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Centre for Alumni Relations

      Alumni are the brand Ambassadors and Primordial, Ambrosial strength of the University.  Over the years, the university has produced millions to achieve their goals with character, personality, intellect and great value for the positioning of the Alma mater as a prestigious educational institution. 

      Nearly one million students would have walked out of this campus during the past 90 years establishing the glory of the University.  To cherish link with their former students and mutual pride and enrichment, the syndicate of the Annamalai University decided to create an exclusive Centre for Alumni Relations in August, 2017. The prime objectives of the centre are to:

  • Encourage the Alumni to take an active and abiding interest in the work and progress of the University so as to contribute to the enhancement of social utility of their Alma Mater and step towards a world class University.
  • Organize and establish scholarship funds to help the needy and deserving students.
  • Arrange meetings/conferences/seminars/workshops/conventions of alumni whenever needed.
  • Promote and foster mutually beneficial interaction between the Alumni and the present students of Annamalai University.
  • Institute prizes and awards for outstanding project works, research papers or other professional activities by the students of the University; also to suitably recognize outstanding social and community service by the Alumni and the students.
  • Acquire, purchase or otherwise own or take on lease or hire in the premises of the University or elsewhere in India temporarily or permanently any movable or immovable property necessary or convenient for the furtherance of the objects of the Association.
  • Construct new buildings, create/improve the basic infrastructure facilities for general and specific purposes.
  • Renovate and create additional facilities in the existing building(s).
  • Provide funds for the maintenance of machineries and instruments.
  • Publish and circulate a Newsletter.
  • Do all such other lawful functions as are conductive or incidental to the attainment of the above objectives and /or beneficial to the interests of the Institute and its Alumni.

Director - Centre for Alumni Relations


E-Mail : drcktech@rediffmail.com.

Deputy Director - Centre for Alumni Relations


PROFESSOR & HEAD and Dy. Director Alumni Relations
Department of COMMERCE
E-Mail : drkpnaban66@gmail.com


ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR of ENTOMOLOGY & Dy. Director Alumni Relations
Department of ENTOMOLOGY
E-Mail : entoselva@gmail.com
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