Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 03989
Designation : PROFESSOR
Qualification : B.Sc.(Agriculture), M.B.A., Ph.D., Marketing (Wharton,U.S.A), Research Tools(RCTD, Canada)
Specialization : Service Design/Internal Marketing/Blue Ocean Leadership
Date of Birth : 04-08-1970
Date of Joining : 10-08-1998
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
Chidambaram - 608 001
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. 5-
Ph.D. 97

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 3530515
Conducted 21212

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed 222350000
Ongoing -175000
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
26 Years4 Years
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
12 41 9 7 32

List of Publications - National
Selvarasu A., et al, "Franchising Networks Internationalization: A Model conception.", Journal of Business Spectrum, Volume 3, Number 1, Aug 2010, pp. 14-29. 2010.
Selvarasu A., ""Mastermind mobilizes management scholars: challenges and opportunities".", JIM QUEST-journal of management and technology,, Volume 1, Number 1, Apr 2006, pp. 0-10. 2006.
Selvarasu A., "Consumer involvement and brand mapping: A simulated market study Minfiniti:.", Minfiniti: Journal of Management , Volume 1, Number 1, Sep 2006, pp. 6-10. 2006.
Selvarasu A., "'Global-Local- International Products-Continuum.", JIM QUEST-journal of management and technology,Jaipuria institute of management, Gaziabad , U.P, Volume 1, Number 2, Jun 2006, pp. 1-5. 2006.
Selvarasu A., ""over a cup of tea" A development monthly :.", Yojana Ministry of Information Broadcasting, Government of India, Volume 48, Number 0971-8400, Oct 2005, pp. 28-29. 2007.
Selvarasu A., S. B. Nageswara Rao, "Over a cup of Tea yojana.", Ministry of information and Broadcasting,new Delhi,, Volume 0, Number 0, Sep 2004, pp. 0-24. 2004.
Selvarasu A., S. B. Nageswara Rao, "Problems and Prospects of Tea in Tamilnadu.", The Assam Review and Tea News, kolkata, Volume 93, Number 8, Oct 2004, pp. 0-10. 2004.
Selvarasu A., S. B. Nageswara Rao, "customer care: operational excellence, customer service excellence: trends and strategies'.", kanishka publishers,new Delhi, Volume 0, Number 0, Oct 2004, pp. 0-241. 2004.
Selvarasu A., S. B. Nageswara Rao, "Tea Traders' Association Rules distort Tea auction in Nilgiris.", The Assam Review and Tea News, Volume 92, Number 2, Apr 2003, pp. 0-8. 2003.
Selvarasu A., S. B. Nageswara Rao, "Tea Traders' association rules distort Tea auction in Nilgiris.", The Assam Review and Tea News, kolkata, Volume 92, Number 3, May 2003, pp. 0-18. 2003.
Selvarasu A., S. B. Nageswara Rao, ""Problem of tea Growers in Tamilnadu"'.", The Assam Review and Tea News, kolkata, Volume 90, Number 7, 2001, pp. 11-0. 2001.
Selvarasu A., S. B. Nageswara Rao & Arul.M, "''Infrastructure and related sector as an untapped market'',.", Infrastructure development and Financing, Kanishka publishers, new delhi, Volume 0, Number 0, 2001, pp. 0-265. 2001.
List of Publications - International
Selvarasu A. and Vikraman R., "Dissemination and Social Diffusion of Innovations: An Indian Experience.", Asia Pacific Techmonitor. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific, Volume ISSN:0256-9957 Vol.36 , Number No.1, Jan 2019, pp. 28-34. 2019
Selvarasu A. Sankaran A., "Service Design Innovation For Aquarium Customer Value.", The International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Sciences, Volume 7, Number 1, Jun 2017, pp. 1268-1277. 2017.
Selvarasu A., "Effect of Internal Marketing Mix on Healthcare, Banking and Educational Service Performance.", The International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Sciences, Volume 7, Number 1, Jun 2017, pp. 1255-1267. 2014.
Ramamoorthi J., Selvarasu A.,, "Assessing online e-marketing (NLC LTD) vis-a-vis E-Procurement (Indian Railways).", International of Economics and Management Science, Volume 2, Number 1, ISSN 2229-4430, Jan 2016, pp. 106-117. 2016.
Ramya Senthilvelan, Selvarasu A, "Enhancing segregation of Bio-medical waste by coloured trays, semi-automated bins and charts using conjoint analysis: An innovative management practice.", Journal of Thai interdisciplinary Research, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2016, pp. 56-64. 2016.
Sakthivel K., Selvarasu A., "Sustainable Corporate social responsible advertising.", Journal of Thai interdisciplinary Research, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2016, pp. 288-297. 2016.
Ramamoorthi J., Selvarasu A., Bakkyaraj J, "E-marketing & E-Procurement: An innovation for sustainable Development.", Journal of Thai interdisciplinary Research, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2016, pp. 42-50. 2016.
Gomathi sankar K., Selvarasu A., "Viral Marketing.", Journal of Thai interdisciplinary Research, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2016, pp. 27-35. 2016.
Manian Sellamuthu, Selvarasu Appasamy (2016), "Idea sharing Network: A Case study of Sustainable development.", Journal of Thai interdisciplinary Research, Volume 1, Number 1, Feb 2016, pp. 1-9. 2016.
Rais Ahmad Itoo, A. Selvarasu, José António Filipe, "Loan Products and Credit Scoring by Commercial Banks (India).", Int. J Latest Trends Fin. Eco. Sc, Volume 5, Number 1, Mar 2015, pp. 851-860. 2015.
Rais Ahmad Itoo and A. Selvarasu, "CASE STUDY OF CONSUMER CREDIT SCORING: A PROPOSAL.", International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Volume 6, Number 4, Apr 2015, pp. 3627-3641. 2015.
Rais Ahmad Itoo, & Selvarasu, A, "Prediction and determinants of Loan Default; Using Logistic Regression Analysis.", International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research IJMER, Volume 3, Number 2, 2014, pp. 155-184. 2014.
Sankaran A., Selvarasu A.,, "Service Blueprint for aquarium business using service mix.", the international journal of business and management, Volume 2, Number 10, 2014, pp. 41-44. 2014.
Sakthivel K., Selvarasu A.,, "Reaction on Corporate Social responsibility Print Advertising of Indian oil.", Journal of Business Studies, Volume Special Issue, Number 0, 2014, pp. 25-46. 2014.
Gomathisankar K., Selvarasu A.,, "Viral Marketing Power for Over-the-Counter (OTC) drugs.", Journal of Business Studies(, Volume 0, Number 0, 2014, pp. 55-84. 2014.
Rais Ahmad Itoo, Selvarasu. A., José António Filipe, "Effect of Loan Value and Collateral on Value of Mortgage Default.", International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences IJLTFES, Volume 3, Number 4, 2013, pp. 1-16. 2013.
Selvarasu A, Krishnaswamy N., Jose Filipe, "Effect of Internal Marketing Mix on Customer Pyramid Oriented Banking service performance: An Indian Experience.", International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences IJLTFES, Volume 3, Number 3, Mar 2013, pp. 583-593. September 2013.
Ramamoorthi Jayaram, Selvarasu Appasamy Mutharasu, José António Filipe, Meera Rao Inna Kedige, "Assessing Online E-Marketing and Disposal in Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (India).", International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences IJLTFES, Volume 3, Number 1, Mar 2013, pp. 394-404. March 2013.
José António Filipe, Manuel Coelho, Manuel Alberto M. Ferreira, Selvarasu Appasamy Mutharasu, "Fisheries, Chaos and Ethics. A Note on India Status.", International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences, Volume 3, Number 1, Mar 2013, pp. 365-371. March 2013.
Sakthivel Karunamoorthy, Selvarasu A., José António Filipe, "Marketing Strategies to Add Economic Value. Reactions on Corporate Social Responsibility Advertising in Print Media. An Indian Company Case..", International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences IJLTFES, Volume 3, Number 1, 2013, pp. 1-16. 2013.
Jayaram, R., Mutharasu, S. A., Filipe, J. A., & Kedige, M. R. I. , "(2013). Assessing Online E-Marketing and Disposal in Neyveli Lignite Corporation Limited (India). .", International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance and Economic Sciences, Volume 3, Number 1, 2013, pp. 394-404. 2013.
Krishnaswamy N., and Selvarasu A,, "Effect of Internal Marketing Mix on Customer-Pyramid oriented Banking service performance.", AIMS International Journal of Management, Volume 7, Number 1, 2013, pp. 41-56. 2013.
Sankaran A., Selvarasu A.,, "Branding Aquarium Business Service.", Asian Review of Social Sciences, Volume 2, Number 1, 2013, pp. 36-39. 2013.
Selvarasu A., "Corporate Social Responsibility: An International Study:The Case of CGD (Portugal), Vale (Brazil),TechnoLogica (Bulgaria) and IndianOil (India).", International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences IJLTFES, Volume 3, Number 2, 2013, pp. 422-439. 2013.
Sakthivel Karunamoorthy, Selvarasu Appasamy Mutharasu, José António Filipe, "Marketing Strategies to Add Economic Value. Reactions on Corporate Social Responsibility Advertising in Print Media. An Indian Company Case.", Marketing Strategies to Add Economic Value. Reactions on Corporate Social Responsibility Advertising in Print Media. An Indian Company Case, Volume 3, Number 1, Mar 2013, pp. 372-388. March 2013.
Rais Ahmad Itoo, Selvarasu Appasamy Mutharasu, José António Filipe, "Effect of Loan Value and Collateral on Value of Mortgage Default.", International Journal of Latest Trends in Finance & Economic Sciences IJLTFES, Volume 3, Number 4, Dec 2013, pp. 635-651. December 2013.
Anadavel, Selvarasu A., "A study on individual investors decision On share trading .", International Journal of Management, Volume 3, Number 2, Aug 2012, pp. 21-29. 2012.
Selvarasu A., "Model Predicting Profit and Turnover Path of Apparel Retail Company.", IJARInternational Journal of Academic Research-Journal of Economics and Engineering, Volume 1, Number 1, 2010, pp. 4-13. 2010.
Selvarasu A.,, "The Management of A Two Echelons Repair System Using Queuing Networks With Infinite Servers Nodes.", Annamalai International Journal of Business Studies and Research –AIJBSR, Volume 1, Number 1, 2010, pp. 32-37. 2010.
Selvarasu A., "'A strategic profit model: measure indian apparel retail perfromace".", APLMAT- journal of applied mathematical , ISSN.1337-6365 Slovak University of technology in bratislava , slovakia, Volume 2, Number 3, 2009, pp. 127-146. 2009.
Selvarasu A., "A strategic profit model to Measure Indian apparel retail performance.", APLMAT- journal of applied mathematical , ISSN.1337-6365 Slovak University of technology in bratislava , slovakia, Volume 2, Number 3, 2009, pp. 127-146. 2009.
Selvarasu A.,, "Measuring Indian Large Apparel Retail performance using Strategic Profit Model.", AIMS International Journal of Management, Volume 3, Number 2, 2009, pp. 201-215. 2009.
Selvarasu A., Abhishek Agarwal, Andrew H Stapleton, Sourabh Arora, , "Measuring Large-Apparel Retail Performance using strategic Profit Model.", AIMS Journal of Managemetn, Volume 3, Number 2, May 2009, pp. 157-171. 2009.
Selvarasu A., Abhishek Agarwal, Andrew H Stapleton, Sourabh Arora, , "Measuring Large-Apparel Retail Performance using strategic Profit Model.", AIMS Journal of Managemetn, Volume 3, Number 2, May 2009, pp. 157-171. 2009.
Selvarasu A., "''Measuring Indian large apperelretail perfromance using strategic profit model (national version),.", International Journal of retailing and marketing management, radia institute of management and technology,t, Volume 0, Number 0, Dec 2008, pp. 3-20. 2008.
Selvarasu A., "Sustainable Competitive Positional Advantage of English Dailies.", International Journal of Innovative Marketing, Volume 4, Number 0, 2008, pp. 36-43. 2008.
Selvarasu A., Jose Filipe, Manue A. Ferreira and Manuel Coelho, "The sustainable competitive positional Advantage of English Dailies: A Study for the state of Tamilnadu (India).", ISEG Working Papers, Volume 57, Number 2008, Dec 2008, pp. 1-20. 2008.
Selvarasu A.,, "Effectiveness review of Apparel Merchandising: Tools and Techniques.", Journal of Business Studies, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, Volume 4, Number 0, 2007, pp. 1-13. 2007.
Selvarasu A., "Unplanned purchasing behaviour.", Journal of Business Studies, Volume 3, Number 0, Dec 2006, pp. 48-63. 2006.
Dr.A.Selvarasu & S.B.NAGESWARA RAO, ""Mastermind mobilizes management scholars: challenges and opportunities".", Management scholar in the global village., Volume 0, Number 77446, 2003, pp. 7-12. 2003.
Dr.A.Selvarasu & A.rajamohan, ""Impulsive buying: A myth and reality in marketing", .", Management scholar in the global village., Volume 0, Number TX 77446, 2002, pp. 283-293. 2003.
List of Conferences - National
Mohammad Abdullah Mahfuz, Liza Khanam, Appasamy Selvarasu, The Influence of Website Quality on m-banking Services Adoption in Bangladesh: applying the UTAUT2 model using PLS, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Optimization of Technology, Mar 3-5, 2016, DMI, College of Engineering Chennai by IEEE Chennai Chapter, pp. 736-740. Chennai, IEEE.
Selvarasu A., et al, Measuring performance of Indian Apparel Retail using Strategic Profit Model, National conference on Management Science and Practice, Mar 22-24, 2008, Ahmedabad, pp. 0-0. IIMA-Indian Institute of Management, Operation Research Society of India.
Selvarasu A., "Complementary marketing in the local - International-Global products continuum", " converging to synergise tomorrow's Dimensions: challenges, opportunities and strategies for india", Nov 1-2, 2003, school of management , Pondicherry University, pp. 0-0. school of management , Pondicherry University, school of management , Pondicherry University.
Selvarasu A., "Application of SPSS software", "Application of SPSS software", Sep 26-26, 2003, chennai, pp. 0-0. chennai, "Application of SPSS software".
Selvarasu A., "Innovation in Agricultural Marketing", "Innovation in Agricultural Marketing", Aug 16-17, 2003, KM college, Adirampattinam, pp. 0-0. KM college, Adirampattinam, KM college, Adirampattinam.
Selvarasu A., "Marketing Excellence is the key to success in Industries", 'pursuit of excellence', karaikudi at chennai, Jul 26-27, 2003, FASHOD ON 'pursuit of excellence', karaikudi at chennai, pp. 0-0. 'pursuit of excellence', karaikudi at chennai, FASHOD ON 'pursuit of excellence', karaikudi at chennai.
Selvarasu A., "Management : Past -Present-Future", "Management : Past -Present-Future", Apr 23-24, 2003, Department of Business administration , Annamalai uniersity, pp. 0-0. Department of Business administration , Annamalai uniersity, Department of Business administration , Annamalai uniersity.
Selvarasu A., ''YUPPIES'n Ach motive Directs Risk Taking behaviour of youth'', '' changing youth Population: A new challenges'', Mar 12-13, 2003, Department of population studies , Annamalai uniersity, pp. 0-0. Department of population studies , Annamalai uniersity, Department of population studies , Annamalai uniersity.
Selvarasu A., ''Lifestyle Banking: Automatic Teller Machine'', ''Lifestyle Banking: Automatic Teller Machine'', Mar 5-6, 2003, Department of commerce , Annamalai uniersity, pp. 0-0. Department of commerce , Annamalai uniersity, Department of commerce , Annamalai uniersity.
List of Conferences - International
Selvarasu A, Idea sharing Network: A Case study of Sustainable development, The 2nd Multi Disciplinary Research and Innovation for Globally Sustainable Development, Feb 25-26, 2016, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage, Thailand, pp. 1-9. Thailand, VRU, Thailand.
Selvarasu A. Mutharasu, Porto Novo Vellar Estuaries: Testing of New Inclusive Innovative Eco-Tourism Development in the Bay of Bengal, South India, International Conference of Inclusive Innovation and Innovative Management (ICIIIM 2015), Nov 25-26, 2015, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage, Thailand, pp. 112-120. Thailand, VOL.1 ISSUE.1 January - December 2015 ISSN 2465 -4116.
Selvarasu A. Mutharasu, Moderating views on emerging Responsive Administration , ICCM - International Conference on Contemporary Management, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka 11&12th June 2015, Jun 11-12, 2015, Sri Lanka, pp. 1-2. Sri Lanka, University of Jaffna.
Selvarasu A. Mutharasu, Moderating views on emerging Responsive Administration , ICCM - International Conference on Contemporary Management, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka 11&12th June 2015, Jun 11-12, 2015, Sri Lanka, pp. 1-2. Sri Lanka, University of Jaffna.
Selvarasu A.,, Real physical marketing simulation game for competitive Marketing educational service, Tenth AIMS Internal Conference Proceeding, Jan 6-9, 2013, Bangalore, India, pp. 2422-2429. Bangalore, 978-81-924713-1-0.
Selvarasu Appasamy, Krishnasamy Natarajan - First Prize Best Paper , Effect of Internal Marketing Mix on Customer-Pyramid oriented Banking service performance, AIMS10 International Conference on Management, Jan 6-9, 2013, IIMA-Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, pp. 41-56. Texas, U.S.A., AIMS International.
Selvarasu A., Globalization in liue of competitive advantage and Honoring kindred in business, Globalization in liue of competitive advantage and Honoring kindred in business, Aug 8-9, 2003, honoring trust in business organized by, pp. 0-0. udaipur, rajasthan, Laxpra foundtion and new england school of business ,USA.
List of Book Published
Selvarasu A., Vimala B., Gnanaguru R., Subashini G.,, Real Physical Marketing Simulation Game: User Mannual, Pondicherry: Nanbargal Thottam Pathippagam, 978-81-922-1552-5, pp. 1-76. Dec 2012.
Selvarasu A, Green Marketing Guide: A Research Perspective - Concept of Green Marketing, Tirupur: Margham Publications, 978-93-81430-94-1, pp. 3-3. Aug 2013.
Selvarasu A. Mutharasu, Economic issues, problems and perspective: Towards a society with more Fair Economy or An Economy with more social face, New York, USA: NOVA PUBLISHERS, 978-1-63482-948-9, pp. 175-214. Aug 2015,
List of Popular Article
Selvarasu A., Vimala B., Gnanaguru R., Subashini G.,, AIMS International conference on Management, University of Houston-Downtown, Houston, U.S.A.: AIMS INTERNATIONAL, TEXAS, U.S.A., 978-81-924713-1-0 , pp. 2422-2429. Jan 2013.
Selvarasu A. Mutharasu, International Conference Proceedings The 3rd International Conference on Inclusive Innovation and Innovative Management (ICIIIM 2015), Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Thailand: Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, 2465-4116, pp. 42-50. Nov 2015.
List of Awards /Honours / Memberships
Academic Microsoft ID - 2742414767
Publon Web of Science - 1705251 - CE8LSsgAAAAJ&hl
Web of Science Researcher ID - O-2000-2013
SCOPUS - Author ID 57131413800
ORCID - 0000-0001-9336-7618
Project Management Institute - Chennai Chapter - ID:2479482
AIMS International - IIMB - IBA Award 2013 - 2013
Association of Consumer Research ACR, USA - 12416
Strategic Management Society, Chicago, U.S.A. - 8808
Operations Research Society of India at Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad - 2008
EuroMed Business Research Institute - Member of Marketing - 2008 - Marketing Group
IDEAS, RePEc, NEP, Research Division, Federal Reserve Bank of St.Louis - PMU263
Association of Indian Management Scholars International, Texas, U.S.A. - B2-1017