Annamalai University
Faculty Member Details

Staff Id : 10075
Name : Dr. M. KAMARAJ (Deputed)
Qualification : M.B.A., Ph.D.
Specialization : Non-Profit Management
Date of Birth : 10-03-1973
Date of Joining : 01-07-2004
Present Address Contact Number E-Mail Address
pin - 608401
Research Guidance
Discipline Awarded Guidance
M.Phil./M.E./M.Sc. --
Ph.D. 66

Conference /Seminar / Symposia / Workshop
Conference Seminar Symposia Workshop
National International
Attended 352-8
Conducted -----

Research Projects
Major Projects Minor Projects Total Amount (Rs.)
Completed ---
Ongoing ---
Teaching and Research Experience Industry Experience
20 Years -
Journals Conference Books Published Popular Article
National International National International
8 31 4 4 - -

List of Publications - National
Siva Naga Devi, B., and Kamaraj, M., "Communicating Green Marketing Environmental Strategy in Business.", Studies in Indian Place Names, ISSN: 2394-3114, Volume 40, Number 3, Feb 2020, pp. 3466-3473. Feb 2020.
Siva Naga Devi, B., Kamaraj, M., and Ashok Rao, R., "An Empirical Analysis on the Impact of Internal Communication Satisfaction on Employee Organizational Commitment.", Kala Sarovar, ISSN: 0975-4520, Volume 23, Number 02, Nov 2020, pp. 87-96. November-December, 2020.
Kamaraj, M. and Vethirajan, C., "Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Among Employees in a Public Sector Hospital.", M - Infiniti, Volume 12, Number 2, ISSN 0973-7197, Mar 2018, pp. 43-54. March - April 2018.
Poulomi Deb, M. and Kamaraj, M., "Perceived Risk on Attitude Towards Online Shopping of Lifestyle Products.", M-Infiniti Journal of Management, Volume Vol.13, Number 3, Oct 2018, pp. 91-101. 2018.
Varadharaju, R. and Kamaraj, M., "Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility Brand Image and Purchase Intention.", M-Infiniti Journal of Management, Volume Vol.13, Number 3, Oct 2018, pp. 102-118. 2018.
Kamaraj, M. and Vethirajan, C., "Online Consumer Behaviour Towards Shopping of Lifestyle Products.", M-Infiniti Journal of Management, Volume 13, Number 2, Oct 2018, pp. 24-36. 2018.
Thangamani, T. and Kamaraj, M., "Analysis Of Production Problems In Export Of Indian Electrical Equipment At Power Distribution Sector In International Marketing.", M-Infiniti Journal of Management, Volume Vol.13, Number 2, Oct 2018, pp. 198-206. 2018.
Poulomi Deb and Kamaraj M, "Consumer Behaviour towards onlineshopping of luxury goods.", M-Infiniti National Journal of Management, Volume Special Issue, Number ISSN 0973 - 7197, Apr 2015, pp. 55-58. 2015.
List of Publications - International
Siva Naga Devi, B., and Kamaraj, M., "Impact of Organizational Communication on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Job Satisfaction: Research Findings.", Psychology and Education, Volume 58, Number 2, 2021, pp. 1003-1009. 2021.
Poulomi Deb and M. Kamaraj, "Relationship Between Attitude Towards Online Shopping and Online Purchase Decision of Lifestyle Products.", International Journal of Creative Research Thought, ISSN: 2320-2882, Volume 8, Number 6, May 2020, pp. 3328-3341. June, 2020.
Poulomi Deb and M. Kamaraj, "Perceived Benefits on Attitude Towards Online Shopping of Lifestyle Products.", International Research Journal of Management Sociology and Humanity, ISSN: 2277-9809, Volume 118, Number 6, 2020, pp. 230-239. 2020.
Poulomi Deb and M. Kamaraj, "Perceived Risk on Attitude Towards Online Shopping of Lifestyle Products.", The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis, Volume XII, Number VII, Jul 2020, pp. 1063-1073. July, 2020.
Kamaraj, M., Vethirajan, C., and Vinayagamoorthy, G., "Consumer Perception Towards Online Shopping of Household Products.", Restaurant Business, ISSN: 0097-8043, Volume 118, Number 7, Jul 2019, pp. 143-147. July, 2019.
Sivanagadevi, B. and Kamaraj, M., "Organizational Communication Problems Faced By Employees and Appropriate Solutions .", Global Journal of Business and Management Research, Volume 5, Number 1 (ISSN: 2347-7814), Oct 2018, pp. 179-186. 2018.
Raghavendra, R. and Kamaraj, M., "Employee Engagement: The Key to Organizational Effectiveness .", Global Journal of Business and Management Research, Volume 5, Number 2 ISSN: 2347-7814, Oct 2018, pp. 193-201. 2018.
Vethirajan C and Kamaraj M, "Determinants of Successful Entrepreneurship: A Study Among the Women Entrepreneurs in Network Marketing.", International Journal of Exclusive Management Research, Volume Special Issue, Number ISSN 2249-8672, An UGC Listed Journal:49166, Impact Factor: 5.76, Mar 2018, pp. 1-8. March, 2018.
Thiruvarasi, M. and Kamaraj, M., "Influence of Big Five Personality on Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction.", Elixir International Journal, ISSN: 2229-712X; Impact Factor:6.865, Volume Elixir Psychology:, Number 114(2018), Jan 2018, pp. 49531-49535. January, 2018.
Kamaraj, M. and Poulomi Deb, "The Impact of Education in the Behaviour of Consumers with Reference to Online Purchase.", International Journal of Business and Administration Reserch Review, Impact Factor: 4.729, Volume Vol.3,, Number Issue 18, E-ISSN-2347-856X; ISSN-2348-0653, Apr 2017, pp. 87-90. April - June, 2017.
Thiruvarasi, M. and Kamaraj, M., "Relationship Between Big Five Personality and Organizational Commitment: A Study Among Executives in a Public Sector Organization".", International Journal of Development Research, Volume Impact Factor 4.753, 07, Number 12, Dec 2017, pp. 17617-17623. December, 2017.
Thiruvarasi, M. and Kamaraj, M., "Relationship Between Big Five Personality and Job Satisfaction: A Study Among the Executives in a Public Sector Organization.", International Journal of Applied Management Research, Volume 9, Number 1, No.1, (ISSN:0974 8709), Jan 2017, pp. 71-76. January - June 2017.
Poulomi Deb and Kamaraj, M., "Consumer Behaviour Towards Online Shopping of Lifestyle Products.", International Journal of Applied Management Research, Volume 9, Number 1, No.1, (ISSN:0974 8709), Jan 2017, pp. 51-57. January - June 2017.
Thiruvarasi, M. and Kamaraj, M., "Relationship Between Big Five Personality and Emotional Intelligence: A Study Among Executives in a Public Sector Organization.", International Journal in Management and Social Science, Volume 5, Number 12, ISSN: 2321-1784, Impact Factor: 6.178, Dec 2017, pp. 64-76. December, 2017.
Thiruvarasi, M. and Kamaraj, M., "Influence of Big Five Personality on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction.", International Journal of Business and Administration Review, Volume I, Impact Factor 4.729, Number 20, ISSN: 2348-0653, Dec 2017, pp. 134-140. December, 2017.
Kamaraj, M. and Velmurugan, V., "Consumer Education and Awareness: The Role of Educatonal Institution to Protect the Consumers.", International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Review, Impact Factor 4.6; ISSN-2395-1877, Volume I, Number 31, Sep 2017, pp. 73-78. 2017.
Kamaraj, M. and Poulomi Deb, "Consumer Behaviour in Online Purchasing: A Study with Reference to Kolkata.", Ahead-International Journal of Recent Research Review; Impact Factor: 3.567, Volume Vol.1, Number 13, ISSN: 2456-205X, Jul 2017, pp. 6-10. 2017.
Thangamani, T. and Kamaraj, M., "Analysis of Export Problems in International Market for Indian Electrical Equipment Industry at Power Distribution Sector.", Journal of Business Studies, Volume 4, Number 1, Aug 2017, pp. 62-78. 2017.
Thiruvarasi, M. and Kamaraj, M., "Influence of Big Five Personality on Organizational Commitment, Emotional Intelligence and Job Satisfaction.", Asian Pacific Journal of Research in Business Management, Volume 8, Number 2229-4104, Impact Factor: 5.16, Jun 2017, pp. 37-51. 2017.
Varadharaju, R. and Kamaraj, M., "Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness on Purchase Intention.", International Journal of Applied Management Research, Volume 9, Number 1 (ISSN: 0974 8709), Jan 2017, pp. 104-108. 2017.
Kamaraj, M. and Pragadeeswaran, S., "HR Practices in Non-Governmental Organizations.", Mentor: The Journal of Business Studies, Volume 1, Number 1800-1548, Jan 2015, pp. 74-83. 2015.
Thiruvarasi, M. and Kamaraj, M., "The Five Factor Model of Personality on Organizational Commitment.", International Journal of Business Intelligence & Innovations, Volume 1, Number 2, Aug 2015, pp. 93-96. August 2015.
Thiruvarasi, M. and Kamaraj, M., "Personality Pattern among Students of Management Studies.", Tissl International Journal of Applied Management Research, Volume 7, Number 1, Jun 2015, pp. 91-96. January - June 2015.
Thiruvarasi, M. and Kamaraj, M., "The Relationship between Personality and Organizational Commitment.", Sankhya Internationl Journal of Management and Technology, Volume Special Issue, Number ISSN 0975 - 3915, Apr 2015, pp. 127-131. 2015.
Thangamani, T., Kamaraj, M. and Maran, K., "International Marketing of Indian Electrical Equipments in Power Distribution Sector.", International Journal of Business And Administration Research Review, Volume I, Number 5, Jun 2014, pp. 251-253. 2014.
Thangamani, T., Kamaraj, M. and Maran, K., "Analysing the Export Problems of Indian Electrical Equipment Industry.", International Journal of Business Intelligence and Innovations, Volume 1, Number Special Issue (1) ISSN 2348 4705, Sep 2014, pp. 145-146. 2014.
Sivakumar J and Kamaraj M, "Decision-Making Behaviour Towards Electronic Goods: A Study of Male and Female Consumers in Chennai City.", International Journl of Management and Social Research Review, Volume Vol.1., Number Issue 5, Nov 2014, pp. 46-50. 2014.
Sivakumar, J. and Kamaraj, M., "Consumer Decision-Making Styles and Buying Behaviour in Mobile Phone.", International Journal of Applied Management Research, Volume 5, Number 09748709, Jan 2013, pp. 439-443. 2013.
Kamaraj, M. and Pragadeeswaran, S., "Fundraising Techniques for NGOs in Medicare Services.", Elixir International Journal, Volume I, Number 34, Feb 2011, pp. 1864-1866. 2011.
Kamaraj, M. and Pragadeeswaran, S., "Governance in Non-Governmental Organizations.", Asian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 8, Number 11, Dec 2010, pp. 150-155. Dec. 2010.
Kamaraj, M. and Pragadeeswaran, S., "Performance Appraisal System for NGO Managers.", International Journal of Commerce and Business Management, Volume 2, Number 1, Sep 2009, pp. 31-33. April - Septempber, 2009.
List of Conferences - National
Thangamani, T., Kamaraj, M. and Maran, K., Analysing the Factors for Sustainable Growth in Electrical Equipment Industry, Trends, Challenges and Innovations in Management, Oct 15-16, 2015, Chennai, pp. 66-69. Chennai, Dr.Ramesh Kumar Miryala and Dr.Ravi Aluvala.
Thangamani, T., Kamaraj, M. and Maran, K., Analysing the Factors for Sustainable Growth in Electrical Equipment Industry, Leading Organizations to Sustainable Growth, Feb 27-28, 2015, School of Management Sciences, Lucknow, pp. 9-9. Lucknow, Progress Harmony Development.
Kamaraj, M., Pragadeeswaran, S. and Balakrishnan, V., Human Resource Management in Non-Governmental Organizations, Behavioural Dimensions in Human Resource Management, Mar 30-30, 2006, Annamalai University, pp. 32-39. New Delhi, Excel Books.
Senthil, D., Kamaraj, M. and Chinnaraja, C., Emerging Challenges to Management Education, Challenges in Management Education, Mar 28-28, 2006, Annamalai University, pp. 150-152. New Delhi, Excel Books.
List of Conferences - International
Thiruvarasi, M. and Kamaraj, M., The Relationship Between Personality and Emotional Intelligence, Women and Social Transformation: New Era of Just and Gender-Fair Society (ICWS-2015), Aug 21-22, 2015, Dept. of Women's Studies & Centre for Women's Studies, Alagappa University, Karaikudi - 630 003, pp. 59-59. Karaikudi - 630 003, Tamil Nadu, Alagappa University.
Thangamani, T., Kamaraj, M. and Maran, K., Analysing the Factors for Employability in Electrical Equipment Industry, Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative HR practices in Corporate World, Aug 19-19, 2015, Rathinam College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, pp. 64-66. Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, Rathinam College of Arts and Science.
Kamaraj, M. and Pragadeeswaran, S., Governance Practices in Non-Governmental Organizations, Sustainable Strategies on Technology and Management for Developing Countries Management, Nov 18-20, 2010, Malaysia, pp. 267-276. Chennai, Anuragam Publications.
Kamaraj, M. and Pragadeeswaran, S., Challenges in Management of Non-Governmental Organizations, Impact of Economic Crisis in Global Business Scenario, Sep 24-25, 2009, Sri Sai Ram Institute of Management Studies, pp. 551-556. Chennai, Anuragam Publications.