1. | FILM FORMING AND GELLING COMPOSITION FOR PHARMACEUTICAL HARD CAPSULE Name of the Inventors:Dr. R. Manavalan, Dr. K. Kannan Department:Pharmacy Patent Application Number:2162/MAS/1998 |
2. | FUNGAL CHITOSAN Name of the Inventors:R.M. Akila, R. Manavalan, T.K. Ravi Department: Pharmacy Patent Application Number:1288/CHE/2008 |
3. | DENDRITE ELONGATION INHIBITION AGENTS FROM ARTOCARPUSALTILIS (BARK) Name of the Inventors:Rao, Dr.GottumukkalaVenkateswara, Madhavi, Dr.MachavoluSoubhagya Lakshmi, Gopalakrishnan, Prof. Mannathusamy, Mukhopadhyay, Dr.Triptikumar, Thanusu, Mr.Jayaraman, Ezhilarasi, Ms.MuthuvelRamanathan Department: Chemistry Patent Application Number :2140/CHE/2009 |
MEDICAGINEA Name of the Inventors:Rao, Dr.GottumukkalaVenkateswara, Gopalakrishnan, Prof. Mannathusamy, Annamalai, Mr. Tiruganasambandham, Madhavi, Dr.MachavoluSoubhagya Lakshmi, Mukhopadhyay, Dr.Triptikumar, Anitha, Miss.Raju Department: Chemistry Patent Application Number :3045/CHE/2011 |
ANALOGUES Name of the Inventors:Gopalakrishnan, Prof. Mannathusamy, Nagara Jan, Dr. Samuthirapandian, Thanusu, Dr.Jayaraman, Kanagara Jan, Mr. Vijayakumar, Ezhilarasi, Ms.MuthuvelRamanathan Department: Chemistry Patent Application Number :632/CHE/2010 |
ALKALOID Name of the Inventors:S. Gurudeeban, T. Ramanathan, K. Satyavani,T.Balasubramanian Department: Marine Biology Patent Application Number :717/CHE/2013 |
Name of the Inventors:K. Satyavani, T. Ramanathan, S. Gurudeeban, T.Balasubramanian Department: Marine Biology Patent Application Number :718/CHE/2013 |
MODULATION TECHNIQUE Name of the Inventors:Dr. R. Joseph Daniel, Mrs. K. Sivasundari Department: Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Patent Application Number :2884/CHE/2014 |
9. |
TREATMENT OF DIABETES Name of the Inventors:Mrs. S. Amuthalakshmi, Dr.A.Anton Smith Department: Pharmacy Patent Application Number :1624/CHE/2014 |
10. |
PLANTS Name of the Inventors :Dr. P. Anantharaman, Dr. C. Periyasamy Department : Marine Biology Patent Application Number :201741014918 |
11. |
CREATING ENSEMBLE CLASSIFIERS USING RESAMPLING METHODS Name of the Inventors:Dr. M.Govindarajan, Dr.A.Mishra Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number:201741007727 |
12. |
2-substitutedbenzylidene-4-phenyl-3a,4-dihydro-2h-thiazolo[3,2-a]quinazoline-1,5-dione Name of the Inventors:Dr.T. Panneerselvam, Dr. R. Suresh, Dr. P. Parasuraman Department: Pharmacy Patent Application Number :201741032775 |
13. |
INTEGRAL LARVAL GRUB COMPOSTING REACTOR Name of the Inventors:AtunRoyChoudhury, Dr.V.Arutchelvan Department: Civil Engineering Patent Application Number :201841006270A |
14. |
A PORTABLE SUBTALARARTHROMETER Name of the Inventors:Dr.V.Pasupatham, S. Sathishbabu Department: Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Patent Application Number :201941006634A |
15. |
EMPOLYING IMAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUE Name of the Inventors:Dr. R. Varahamoorthi, A. Umeshbala, Dr. K.J. Sabareesaan, Dr. G. Murali, Dr. J. Jaya Department: Manufacturing Engineering Patent Application Number :201941014639A |
Name of the Inventors: Dr.M.JosephAuxilius Jude, V.C.Diniesh, Dr.G.Murugesan,E.M.Jayanth, Dr.K.S.Tamilselvan, Dr.K.Selvakumar, M.Suresh, Dr.MohammadIsrar, Dr. Parul Gupta, Dr. Hitesh Panchal, Dr. Ravindra Pathak, RadheyShyamMeena, K. Mahendran Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number :201911038413A |
17. |
FACE DETECTION MODULE Name of the Inventors: P. Srinivasan, B. Karunamoorthy, N. V. Kousik, D. Suresh, A. Sagai Francis Britto, M. Premkumar, S. Gunasekaran, N. Yuvaraj Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number :202041001944A |
18. |
Name of the Inventors:C. Samson Jerold Samuel, A.Ramesh, S.Gnanasekaran,
S. Sivananthan, M. Vimal Raja, Dr.A.UmeshBala, G.Arulprakasam, C.Subramanian,
R.Varahamoorthi, B.Prakash, Mr.T.Vignesh, K.Balasubramania Department: Manufacturing Engineering Patent Application Number:202041005537A |
19. |
TECHNOLOGY Name of the Inventors: C. Ananth, M. Karthikeyan, ArunBalodi, N. Mohananthin, N.S. Kavitha, M. Chitra, S. Saranraj, M. Ranjitha, K.Sathiyasekar, R. Rajarajan, S. Suganya Department: Computer and Information Science Patent Application Number:202041028431A |
20. | DESIGN OF COCONUT HUSK REMOVER WITH SHELL CUTTER AND SCRAPER Name of the Inventors: N.Nagarajan, M.Ramarao, P.Palanisamy, Saveetha, M.Babu, Narsimha Reddy, Ram Subbiah, GokarajuRangaraju, S.Vivekanandan, M.Senthil Kumar,K.Lenin, K.Ramakrishnan, R.Balamurugan, M.Kumarasamy, R.Ravikumar, S.Srinivasan, R.DelshiHowsalaya Devi Department: Mechanical Engineering Patent Application Number :202041028199A |
21. | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BASED PRODUCTION MONITORING AND TOOL LIFESPAN OPTIMIZATION SYSTEM Name of the Inventors: Pradeep Kumar Mishra, Dr. RashmiDwivedi, Dr.Anupama, K Ranjit Kumar, Dr. M. Deivakani, Dr.J. Booma, RukeshAkanambattu, Dr. Neel Kamal, M. Sivaramakrishnaiah. Department Patent Application Number:202021038856A |
22. | COPY MOVE FORGERY DETECTION USING FEATURE EXTRACTION AND RNN CLASSIFIER IN VIDEO FRAMES Name of the Inventors :S.Dhivya, B.Sudhakar, J.Sangeetha, P.Madhavan Department : Electronics and Communication Engineering Patent Application Number :202041045622A |
23. | ELECTROCHEMICAL ENERGY STORAGE DEVICE AND A PROCESS THEREOF Name of the Inventors:D. Geetha, P.S.Ramesh Department: Physics Patent Application Number:202041044554A |
24. | ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK BASED MACHINE LEARNING INTRUSION DETECTION IN WIRELESS NETWORK USING FEATURE SELECTION Name of the Inventors: PushpaGothwal, Dr. I. D. Soubache, Ankur Gupta, Dr. V. S. Bhagavan, Dr. R. Prema, Dr. A.P. Jagadeesan, K Ranjit Kumar, K. Manikandan, DhruvangSuthar Department : Patent Application Number:202011042949A |
25. | PLANT MEDIATED NANOPARTICLE COATED FABRICS (NANO FABRICS) WITH ANTIMICROBIAL PROERTY AND WOUND HEAL Name of the Inventors: MaghimaaMathanmohun, R. Kavitha, K. Sivakumar, S. Babu, R.S. Suresh Kumar, N. Pandeeswari, K.K. Makudapathi, Adesh Kumar, SatishkumarBelliethathan, RamsiVakayil Department: Agronomy Patent Application Number:202041056850A |
26. | IOT BASED AUTOMATION OF WATER SUPPLY AND THEFT IDENTIFICATION . Name of the Inventors : Dr. T. Ponnarasi, Dr. Y. Brucely, Dr. G. Nirmalapriya ,S. Sheela, S. Prabakaran, J. Reegan Dr. M. Sindhuja, J. Prakash, Dr. D. Karunkuzhali, N. Manikandan Department : Agricultural Economics Patent Application Number :202041051860A |
27. | CONTROL OF BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR Name of the Inventors:N. Veeramuthulingam, A. Ezhilarasi, M. Ramaswamy Department: Electrical Engineering Patent Application Number :202041051860 A |
28. | WASTE WATER TREATMENT USING GPS-X SOFTWARE Name of the Inventors:Balamurugan R Department: Civil Engineering Patent Application Number :202141015519A |
29. | DIGRAPH APPROACH IN SELECTING OPTIMAL COMBINATION OF OPERATING PARAMETERS Name of the Inventors:V. Karthikeyan, MohanaraoNavuluri, K.Balasubramaniyan Department: Mathematics Patent Application Number :202141015823A |
30. | SYSTEM AND METHOD OF BIOGAS PRODUCTION- A HOUSEHOLD BIOGAS DIGESTERS Name of the Inventors : M.Saravanan, R.Suresh, R. Senthil Kumar, Navneet Joshi, Ishan Y. Pandya, S. Krishnaraj, Department : Mechanical Engineering Patent Application Number :202141031206A |
31. | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BASED ROBOTICS TO CHECK MECHANICAL PRODUCT QUALITY IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY Name of the Inventors:Sathiyavel ,M.P.SenthilKumar , K. Padma Priya, Lizy Abraham, R.Sumathi, A.Jaya Kumar Department: Electronics and Communication Engineering Patent Application Number :202141039696A |
32. | THE IMPORTANCE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (It) IN THE ELECTRONIC COMMERCE INDUSTRY Name of the Inventors: ArumugamRanjith, Ms. K Gowri, Dr. KannanPulraj, Dr. V. Vasanth, Dr.M.Suryakumar, Ms.G.Arutgeevitha, Dr.SPraveenkumar, Dr.V. Dheenadhayalan, Dr.Girish Kumar Painoli , Dr. ParveenVashisth, Ms. P.K.Mangaiyarkarasi Department: Commerce Patent Application Number :202141043584A |
33. | ANALYSIS OF THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY'S CONTRIBUTION TO THE ECONOMY'S GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Name of the Inventors:Arumugamranjith, U.Amaleshwari, K.R.Kolammal, MOORTHY. D,ChristinajeyadeviJ, S.Umasarulatha, V. Dheenadhayalan, R. Srikanth, Kannanpulraj, Arunkumar S K, T.Nareshbabu Department: Commerce Patent Application Number :202141043824A |
34. | AN INVESTIGATION INTO E-COMMERCE AND ITS IMPACT ON THE INDIAN MARKET AND RETAILERS Name of the Inventors: ArumugamRanjith, R.Ramachandran, S. Vijayalakshmi, N. Srividhya, Ramachandran, Girish Kumar Painoli, Kanagasabapathy G, M.Gurusamy, K.V.Shanmugavadivu, Basavaraj S Mammani Department: Commerce Patent Application Number :202141042017A |
35. | PREDICTION OF MALWARE ASSAULTS USING IotAND DEEP LEARNING METHODOLOGY Name of the Inventors:R.Ganesan, R.Suban Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202141042796A |
36. | IOT BASED TECHNIQUE FOR SAFEGUARDING FUEL IN VEHICLES Name of the Inventors:VikramNarayandas, Dr.M.Archana M. Anupama, M. Sravan Kumar Reddy, Dr. Dharmendra Singh Rajput, P. Kavitha Department:Information Technology Patent Application Number:202141048961A |
37. | A GENERAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE MODELING AND SIMULATION OF SUPPLY CHAINS Name of the Inventors:PravinDnyaneshwarSawant, Dr.N.S.Shibu, Dr.C.Kala, Dr.M.MohamedSiddik, Dr.R.Ramakrishnan, Dr. M. Thanikaivel, Dr.A.Gowthaman, Dr. Vinayaka K.S, Dr M Jayanthi, Dr.R.Aruna. Department:Commerce Patent Application Number:202121051657A |
38. | HALYMENIA PORPHYROIDES BASED BIOSYNTHESIZED NANOPARTICLE COMPOSITION FOR DIABETES Name of the Inventors:Dr.VishnuKiranManam, PuliKalpana, Dr.ArunaKumariNakkella, Dr.D.Jayarajan, Mr.Ashish Kumar Pandey, Dr.AparnaB.Dhote, Dr.SatishBabulalJadhav, Dr.Sumanta Bhattacharya, Mr.G.ChinnaPullaiah, Dr.JorigeArchana, Prof.K.Basavaiah, Dr.S.Sarojin, Dr.B.Jayanthi. Department:Pharmacy Patent Application Number:202141048605A |
39. | HALYMENIA PORPHYROIDES BASED BIOSYNTHESIZED NANOPARTICLE COMPOSITION FOR ANTI-TUMOR ACTIVITY Name of the Inventors:Dr.VishnuKiranManam, Prof.B.Muniswamy, PuliKalpana, Dr.Dharmasoth Rama Devi, Dr.ArunaKumariNakkella, Dr.R.Anburaj, Dr.D.Jayarajan, Dr.Sumanta Bhattacharya, Dr.SinhaAshutosh Kumar, Mr.G.ChinnaPullaiah, Dr.GanjiSaidulu, VenkataSatyaHarika G, Dr.S.Sarojini, Dr.B.Jayanthi Department: Pharmacy Patent Application Number:202141048604A |
40. | VACCINE FOR LEPTOSPIROSIS AND PREPARATION METHOD FOR THE SAME Name of the Inventors:Dr.VishnuKiranManam, PuliKalpana, Dr.ArunaKumariNakkella, Dr.D.Jayarajan, Dr.Sumanta Bhattacharya, Dr.SantoshKarajgi, Dr.S.Sarojini, Dr.B.Jayanthi, Dr.C.AnandaVayaravel, Meehak Kaur, Rishikesh Prasad, Dr.S.Selvakumar, Dr.AnandShanker Singh, Mr.Ashish Kumar Pandey, Dr.Sinha Ashutosh Kumar Department:Pharmacy Patent Application Number:202141048602A |
41. | USE OF BIG DATA IN THE INSURANCE SECTOR Name of the Inventors: A Vijaya Kumar, Dr.A.Vennila, C.Paramasivan, Dr. A S Sathishkumar, Dr.R.Ramki, Dr.M.Ganesan, Dr Suvarna S, A.Sahana, Dr.ManjitKour, Dr.C.Kathiravan Department:Business Administration Patent Application Number:202141049775A |
42. | DEVELOPMENT OF THE BUSINESS MODEL OF THE COLLABORATIVE E-MARKETPLACE Name of the Inventors:B. MeenakshiSundaram, Dr.S.Thangamayan, Dr.S. Kavitha, Dr.S. Suguna, Dr.S.Mahalakshmi, Dr.S. Senthilraja, Dr M Jayanthi, A.Sahana, Dr. Ravi Shankar C, Dr.C.Kathiravan Department:Business Administration Patent Application Number:202141048738A |
43. | CONFIGURATION OF AN ONLINE MARKET BUSINESS MODEL Name of the Inventors:Dr. V. Sathiya, Dr.T.Tamilmathi, Dr D Deepa, Dr.R.Ramki, Dr.M.Ganesan, Chandan Raj S M, Bindu . V, Dr. Suma S R, Joeina Marry Mathew, Dr.C.Kathiravan Department:Business Administration Patent Application Number:202141049774A |
44. | WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS APPLIED IN INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SCHEMES Name of the Inventors:Dr.MeenaAbarna K T, Ms.ArockiaBabiReebha S, Dr.Saravanan D, Dr. Suresh T Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number:202141045619A |
45. | A MECHANISM OF HYDROPHILIC MATRIX BASED FOR CONTROLLING THE RELEASE DRUG Name of the Inventors:Dr. Kumaraswamy.Gandla, Dr.R. Gayathri, Dr.S.Muthukumar, Dr. S. Parimalakrishnan, Dr.ShikhaBaghel Chauhan, Dr. S Ramkanth, Dr.C.Sankar, Dr.D.Jothieswari, Dr. SN Koteswara Rao G, Roja Rani Budha Department: Pharmacy Patent Application Number:202141047475A |
46. | DEEP INTELLIGENCE VIDEO SURVEILLANCE USING EDGE INTELLIGENCE TECHNIQUES Name of the Inventors:Karthikeyan K, Dr. P. Madhavan, Dr. G. Usha, Dr.Jothi K R, Dr. B. Sudhakar Department:Electronics and Communication Engineering Patent Application Number:202141047070A |
47. | STABILITY INDICATING METHOD DEVELOPMENT AND ITS VALIDATION FOR RIBAVIRIN BY RP-HPLC Name of the Inventors:Dr Ramanahechhu, Dr Rama Narsimha Reddy Anreddy, Dr. R. Vasanthi, RamreddyGodela, Dr. Lalitha K. G, Dr Balan P, Dr. M. Chitra, Dr A. Anton smith, Dr. MadireddyMamata, Paduri Amani Department:Pharmacy Patent Application Number:202141056825A |
48. | REUSABILITY OF ANTIMICROBIAL MULTILAYER NANOFIBER MASK WITH HIGH PROTECTIVE Name of the Inventors:Dr.V.Sabari, Dr. M. Charumathy, Mr.GajananChandrakantUpadhye, Dr.VinayHiralal Singh, Dr. S V G V A Prasad, Dr. G.V. Nagesh, Dr. M.A. BadhulHaq, Dr.GanganaguntaSrinivas, Dr.U.Keerthi, Dr. G. Adilakshmi Department:Marine Biology Patent Application Number:202141055679A |
49. | EFFECT OF INVESTMENT CONSCIOUSNESS IN FINANCIAL ASSET AND PREFERENCE OF FINANCIAL MEDIATORS IN EQUITIES TRADING Name Of The Inventors:Dr.B.Navaneetha, Dr.V.Sundara Prasad, M.MohamedIshaq, Dr.A. SulthanMohideen, Mrs.B. Lakshmi, Kumar, Andrea Varghese, Dr.V. Dheenadhayalan, Dr.C.Vilvijayan, Dr.D.D.PaulDhinakarn Department:Commerce Patent Application Number:202141052659A |
50. | AUTOMATED KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS DETECTION IN X-RAY IMAGES USING OPENCV - DEEP LEARNING ALGORITHMS Name of the Inventors:UmakantMandawkar, Dr. Sarojini. Yarramsetti, Dr. T. Ramanathan, Kumar Siddamallappa U, Ranjith R, Mr. Umang Rastogi, C Aravindan, M.Swapna, Dimple, Dr.BrijeshSathian Department:Commerce Patent Application Number:202121052678A |
51. | CNN-LSTM BASED COVID-19 DIAGNOSIS FROM CHEST CT SCANS Name of the Inventors:Dr. Hari Krishna, Dr. K. Santhosh Kumar, Dr. V. Tamizhazhagan, Mrs. A. Swathi, Mr. D. Saravanan, Dr. D. Stalin David, Mrs. S. Usharani, Mr.Shashi Kant Gupta, Dr.RajaChakraborty, Mr.Ruhul Amin Department:Information Technology Patent Application Number:202141052154A |
52. | DESIGN SYSTEM OF SMART APPLICATION FOR MULTI-FOOD RECOGNITION USING CNN Name of the Inventors:Prof.Karthikeyan M, Prof.K.Suresh, Prof.S.Sathish Kumar, Prof.Rajakumar P, Dr.An.Sigappi, Mr.A.VijayaMahendraVarman, Mr.S.Premkumar, Dr.Satish Kumar Garapati, Dr.T.S.Subhashini, Dr.J.Srilatha Department:Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number:202141058326A |
53. | .IOT BASED RESEARCH ON RENEWABLE ENERGY SCHEMES, SMART GRID, CATALYSIS, AND ENERGY STORAGE Name of the Inventors:Mr. Rajneesh Sharma, Dr.Amit Kumar Sharma, Mr.SamratharaChakraborty, Dr.MotiLalRinawa, Mr.Anurag Joshi, Dr.Madhurima Srivastava, Mrs. R. Umapriya, Dr. R. Suresh, Dr.S.Ramesh, Ms.D.Kalyani Department:Mechanical Engineering Patent Application Number:202111056962A |
54. | MULTIFUNCTIONAL NANOMATERIALS METHODS OF PHOTOTHERMALLY HEATING A SOLUTION AND CATALYZING A REACTION Name of the Inventors:Dr. T. Manivasagam, Dr .V. Kamalakar, Dr.Chennu M MPrasada Rao, Dr. S. N. Murthy Boddapati, Dr. A. Justin Thenmozhi, Dr. Naidu Narapasetty, Dr.WasudeoBalajiGurnule, Dr.VutlaVenkata Rao, Mr. Keerthi Poorna Chandra Rao, Dr. S. Srinivasan, Dr. J. Sai Chandra Department:Biochemistry and Biotechnology Patent Application Number:202241000278A |
55. | IN AN INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT) SYSTEM, A TECHNIQUE FOR AUTOMATED WIRELESS NETWORK AUTHENTICATION Name of the Inventors:VikramNarayandas, Dr.M.Archana, Dr D Raman Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202141046745A |
56. | CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM AND RECOMMENDATIONS SYSTEM OF BREAST CANCER DETECTION BY USING MACHINE LEARNING Name of the Inventors:Arumugam Ranjith, Mr.Kumar S, Dr.J.Krishnan, Dr. R.Premkumar,Dhanush J Department:Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Patent Application Number:202141047282A |
57. | IDENTIFY THE MAIN SUCCESS CRITERIA AND KEY METHODS THAT AN INDUSTRY SHOULD PURSUE Name of the Inventors:Arumugam Ranjith, Dr. G. Radha Krishna Murthy, Dr. ItikelaShyamSundar, Dr. S. Kavitha, Dr. B. DivyaPriya, Dr.S.Mahalakshmi, Mrs. R. Anetha, Ms.P.V.Rajlakshmi, Dr.C.Kathiravan, Dr.Ramachandran, Dr. Y. BabuVinothkumar Department: Business Administration Patent Application Number: 202141044811A |
58. | A KIND OF RECTANGULAR PATCH ANTENNA USING MULTI-RESONANT SLOTS FOR BANDWIDTH IMPROVEMENT Name of the Inventors:BollavathiLokeshwar, Mr.RameshDeshpade, Bvrit, Mrs. Lanka Padmalatha, Mrs. Madhavi Devi Lanka, Dr. E. Gnanamanoharan, Mrs. T. Nirmala Department: Electronics and Communication Engineering Patent Application Number: 202141022521A |
59. | GREEN SYNTHESIS APPROACH METHOD USER-FRIENDLY SENSOR FOR ENVIRONMENT AIR MONITOR Name of the Inventors: Mr. JigeSandipanBabasaheb, Dr. M.A. BadhulHaq, Dr. Anil Kumar, Ms. KehkashanAlam, Mrs. B.V. Febiyola, Dr. NarayanaThota, Mr. Haragouri Mishra, Mrs. R. Rajalakshmi, Dr. Mukunthan KS, Dr. TamalMondal, Mr. M. KalyanaChakravarthy Department: Marine Biology Patent Application Number: 202221000794A |
EXAMINATIONSUBSCORE TRAJECTORY PREDICTION IN ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Name of the Inventors:S Arun, DrBenuprasadSitaula, Mr.Sanjeet Pandey, Dr.Rammanohar, Ms.MedhaKhenwar, RachanaJaiswal, Dr .W.Vinu, Awadhesh Kumar, DrRammanohar, Dr.DhevaRajan S, Aurobinda Das , Manoj Kumar Karnena, DrSumit Kumar Department: Physical Education Patent Application Number:202141060681A |
61. | IMPACT OF ORGANIZED RETAILING ON TRADITIONAL RETAIL BUSINESS Name of the Inventors:Dr. P. Karthikeyan, DrManishaJaiswal, Mrs. S. Kirubadevi, Dr.C. Ramesh kumar, Dr. P. Radha, Dr. Mohammad Rauf, Dr. A. ViniInfanta, Mr. Kuldeep Kumar, Dr. Arpana. D, Dr. S. Rajyalakshmi, Dr. E. Sankar Department: Business Administration Patent Application Number:202241001111A |
62. | A FIREWALL SYSTEM IN THE ARCHITECTURE OF IOT TO AVOID CYBER ATTACK Name of the Inventors:Lt. Dr. G. Arputhavel Raja, Karthikayani.K, MohdEsa, DrP.Kavipriya, Dr. AlgubellyYashwanth Reddy, SaiprasadPotharaju, Lakshmi JaswanthKellampalli, AniruddhaSubhashchandraRumale Department: English Patent Application Number: 202241002511A |
63. | TEMPERATURE SENSOR BASED SCREENING FOR PREVENTION OF SPREAD OF COVID-19 Name of the Inventors: Dr. Vijayalakshmi N, Dr. Sivakumar S, Madhavi M, Sudhaakar K, Pandikumar S, Dr. Karthikeyan E Department: Mathematics Patent Application Number: 202241002791A |
64. | PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF NARINGIN IN AMMONIUM CHLORIDE INDUCED HYPERAMMONEMIA: A BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLE Name of the Inventors: Dr.N. Vijayakumar Department: Biochemistry and Biotechnology Patent Application Number: 201841003750A |
65. | UNCOVERING AND PREVENTION OF DATA LEAKAGE IN CLOUD FROM MOBILE DEVICE Name of the Inventors: Dr.D.Suresh, Dr.K.S.Giridharan, Dr. R. Suban, Mr.R. Padmaraj, Mr.K. Palaniyappan Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202041012914A |
66. | IoT, AI Based Implementation of smart Surveillance System with Facial Recognition and Image processing Name of the Inventors: Mr. B. Sathiyaprasad, Dr.Rajaram Jatothu, Dr.M.Dhasaratham, Mr. Varun Kumar Kakar, Mrs. Madhuri Gurale, Dr. Ajay Arya, Aarti S. Jadhav Patil, Mr. Y. M. Mahaboobjohn, Mr. Navnath D. Kale, ,Dr. Gulshan Kumar, Dr. Arun Kumar Pallathadka, Dr. Harikumar Pallathadka Department: Electronics & Communication Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241006245 A |
67. | Design of Environmental Cleaning System using Arduino Name of the Inventors: Dr. Bala Murugan R Department: Civil Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241006023 A |
68. | Ultrafast thermal novel thermal barrier coatings for YSZ coating Name of the Inventors: Dr. S.R. Gibin, Dr. L. Guganathan, Dr. P. Anand, Dr. K. Umamakeshvari, Dr. D. Devika, Dr. A. Venkatesan, Dr. C. Rajeevgandhi Department: Civil Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241007330 A |
69. | Artificial Intelligence Based Techniques To Analyze The Intrusion In
Wireless Sensor Networks Name of the Inventors: Dr J Nelson Samuel Jebastin, Prof J. Jelsteen, Evangelin D, Mrs. J. Alice Pushparani, Dr. M. Jenath, Dr Yuvaraj Duraisamy, Kamjula Lakshmi Kanth Reddy, Dr. Adapa Gopi, Dr.Srinivas Kumar Palvadi, Kavita Karambelkar, Dr Sonu Mishra, Dr Virendra Gomase Department: Zoology Patent Application Number: 202241006798 A |
70. |
A Method For Extraction Of Garcinia Indica Leaf Extract And Evaluation Of The Anti-Obesity Activity Thereof Name of the Inventors: Dr. Rama Narsimha Reddy Anreddy, Dr. Sudha Parimala, Dr. Akash Marathakam, Dr.M. Sri Ramachandra, Dr. Arul Prakasam KC, Dr P.Pandian, Dr.G.Alagumanivasagam, Dr.A.Kottai Muthu, Dr. J. Amutha Iswarya Devi, Mr. Ashish Singhai Department: Pharmacy Patent Application Number: 202141061029 A |
71. |
Stability Indicating Method Development And Validation Of Anticancer Drug Using Rp-Hplc Method Name of the Inventors: Dr. Ajay Kumar TV, Dr Uma Nath U, Dr. V. Parthasarathy, Dr. K. Anitha, Dr R.A.M. Jainaf Nachiya, Dr. Subash Chandran M P, Dr. Akash Marathakam, Dr. Sreejith M, Dr. M.S. Premalatha Department: Pharmacy Patent Application Number: 202141062144 A |
72. |
Design of Innovative Gateway to Identify Covid Symptoms using IoT Name of the Inventors: M. Vani Pujitha, Dr. A. Vimala Juliet, Dr. Gururaj Murtugudde, Dr. M. Maghimaa, Dr. T. Ponnarasi, Dr. J. Mohana, Dr. N. Madhanakkumar, W. Stanley Karunakaran, K. Balaji, Aashdeep Singh Department: Agricultural Economics Patent Application Number: 202241005032 A |
73. |
Intelligent Contract Mechanism to Protect Data Navigation using Block Chain Name of the Inventors: Zulaikha Beevi, Dr. Bhumika Kantilal Charnanand, Dr. P. Rajesh, Dr.G.Manikandan, R. Selvameena, Anjaneya Turai, Jai Saxena, Varun Iyer, Vijay Mohan Shrimal, Madhav Sharma Department: Computer and Information Science Patent Application Number: 202241003750 A |
74. |
A system for Wastewater purification using nanoparticle-treated bed and preparation method thereof Name of the Inventors: Dr. V. D. N. Kumar Abbaraju, Mr. Rameshbabu Vankayala, Mr. Singam Setty Rangaswamy, Dr. Anand Raj, Dr. Ganganagunta Srinivas, Dr. T. Ramanathan, Dr. K. S. Yoganand, Dr. Sumanta Bhattacharya, Dr. Venkata Naga Baji Tokala, Dr. J. Sai Chandra Department: Marine Biology Patent Application Number: 202141059219 A |
75. |
A Method For Extraction Of Garcinia Indica Leaf Extract And Evaluation Of The Anti-Diabetic Activity Thereof Name of the Inventors: Yagnambhatla Rajendra, Dr Rama Narsimha Reddy Anreddy, Dr. V. Kishor Kumar, Dr.R.Sanilkumar, Dr.Palanisamy Sivanandy, Dr.Merlin.N.J, Prof. Mahesh Bhanudas Narkhede, Dr. Sreejith M, Dr. P.Thirupathy Kumaresan, Dr.K. Sumathi Department: Pharmacy Patent Application Number: 202141058983 A |
76. |
Artificial Intelligence Technology Based Intelligent Mobile Robot System Name of the Inventors: Dr.Arun B Mathews, Dr. N Ramkumar, Dr.M. S. Vinmathi, Dr. Sahil Verma, Mr.B. Sathiyaprasad, Dr. Rahul Dev Gupta, Dr.Reshma V.K, Dr. Kavita, Dr. Arun Kumar Pallathadka, Dr. Harikumar Pallathadka Department: Electronics & Communication Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241001138 A |
77. |
Contrast, color enhancement based haze elimination of under-water by using image processing technology Name of the Inventors: Dr. J.James Manoharan, Dr N P G Bhavani, Mr.D.Sankar, Dr Suresh Babu V, Ms.S. Geerthana, Mr.B. Sathiyaprasad, Mr.S.Sudharsan, Mr.Bhaskar Kamal Baishya, Dr. Yogesh Sharma, Mr.Rathan Natarajan Department: Electronics & Communication Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241002907 A |
78. |
Implementation of Effective Wideband Cavity Backed Patch Antenna for Air surveillance Radar application Name of the Inventors: Dr. Anitha G, Dr.Vivek.R, Mr. Rajini Kanth V, Mr. G. Rathanasabhapathy, Ms.Subatra, Dr. S. Sivagnanam, Dr.M.Ramkumar Prabhu Department: Electronics & Communication Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241007568 A |
79. |
A Low-profile Hexa-Band Nanogonal Ring Fractal Antenna Name of the Inventors: Dr. S Sivagnanam, Dr. E Gnanamanoharan, Mr. G Ramprabhu Mr. Bollavathi Lokeshwar, Dr. K Padma Priya Department: Electronics & Communication Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241006555 A |
80. |
Detection Of Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Deep Learning Method Name of the Inventors: Mrs. Suberiya Begum. S, S.Sivakumar, Dr. S. Ismail kalilulah, Monia, C A Yogaraja, Dr.K.Pradeepa, Dr.B.Jega Jothi Department: Computer science & Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241008333 A |
81. |
Thyroid Segmentation Using Rbf Neural Network Name of the Inventors: Dr. Vijayalakshmi B, Sreenivasula Reddy T, Saravanan P, Mathivanan P, Vijayakumar K, Premkumar K, Sudhaakar K Department: Mathematics Patent Application Number: 202241007704 A |
82. |
Deep Learning and Artificial intelligent based detection and prevention of various Cancer (Oral, Blood, Lung, Breast, Mouth, Tumor size) using Machine Learning and Data Mining for health care management Name of the Inventors: Kavitha R, Dr Stalin Subbiah, Dr. Deepak Chandran, Dr.Sridevi Narayanan, Jonnala Subba Reddy, Dr.R.Rajasekaran, Mr. Surya Prakash, Dr. S. Saravanan, P.Jeevitha, Dr. Brijesh Sathian, Dr.Vasundhara Saxena, Jitendra Kurmi Department: Pharmacy Patent Application Number: 202241012899 A |
83. |
A Model For Prediction Of Students Academic Performance And Dropout In
Higher Education Using Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms Name of the Inventors: Rajesh Kannan K, Dr. Kt. Meena Abarna, Dr. S. Vairachilai Department: Computer Science & Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241007716 A |
84. |
Method For Preparation And Enhancing Dissolubility By The Liquisolid
Compaction Technique Name of the Inventors: Dr.Sanil Kumar, Dr.Ashok Kumar Janakiraman, V.T Iswariya, Vakkalagadda Ravi Kumar, Jakir Hussain Shaik, Muthadi Radhika Reddy, Sree Lakshmi .S, Dr.A.Kottai Muthu, Dr.G.Alagumanivasagam, Mrs .Keserla Bhavani Department: Pharmacy Patent Application Number: 202241010443 A |
85. |
A Novel Paradigm For E Health Care System Using Cloud Computing Name of the Inventors: Dr. Sheetalrani R Kawale, Mr Avinash K. Ikhar, Mr. Shyam D. Bawankar, Mr. Shailesh Manohar Sakhare, Mrs. Jayashree M Kudari, Dr. AN.Sigappi, Mr. S.Premkumar, Dr. Mohammad Faisal Siddiqui, Mr. Mallesha M Department: Computer Science & Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241017774 A |
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Ready-To-Use Biosurfactant And Preparation Method Thereof Name of the Inventors: Dr. P. Poonguzhali, Dr. S. Rajan, Dr. R. Parthasarathi, Dr. R. Srinivasan, Dr. Ar. Kannappan Department: Agricultural Microbiology Patent Application Number: 202141029356A |
87. |
Sensor Based Hand Recognition System For Assisting People With Hearing Impairment Name of the Inventors: Dr.S.Balamurugan, Dr. S. Nithya Devi, B.M.Rajesh, Silambarasan S, Dr. S. Angelin Sophy, Showkat Ahmad Dar, Dr. M. Sivasankari, Dr.R.Saraswathi, V. Bharathi, K.Jane Nithya, Dr.S.Vengatesh Kumar, A.Immaculate Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241021360 A |
88. |
Method And System For Providing Smart Clothing Electronics Integrated With Internet Of Things (Iot) Sensors Name of the Inventors: Md Asim Iqbal, Dr. K. Devarajan, Kota Rajesh Reddy, Saloni Fathima, P. Santhosh Kumar, A Kumaraswamy Department: Electronics And Communication Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241021490 A |
89. |
Advanced Data Analysis And Clustering Based Predictive Analytics To Enhance Scientific Data Name of the Inventors: Radhey Shyam Meena, Lingaraj Sethi, Dr.Prashanta Kumar Patra, K R Swetha, Dr. Neeraj Kumar Garg, Dr. An. Sigappi, S.Premkumar, S.Sivakumar Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202211023270 A |
90. |
A Monitoring Device Based Smart Technique For Elders Name of the Inventors: Dr. Jai Singh W, Dr M Duraisamy, Dr.R.K.Kavitha, Mr. K. Jayaprakash, Dr. A. Saravanan, Ms. Jayapriya P Department: Computer and Information Science Patent Application Number: 202221017077 A |
91. |
Design System of Optimized Provenance System for the Food Industry Using IoT and Blockchain Name of the Inventors: Dr.Lekashri S, Dr.N.Bala Sundara Ganapathy, Mr.R.Ganesan, Dr.R.Suban, Dr. N. Sankarram, Dr.S.Omkumar, Mr.J.Srinivasan, Dr.N.Partheeban, Dr.Srinivasan Sriramulu, Dr.A.Daniel, Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241021982 A |
92. |
Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach To Study The Various Drug
Molecules Derived From Marine Organisms And Their Uses Name of the Inventors:Dr. G.Chelladurai,Dr. M.A.BadhulHaq, Dr. K. Ilango, Dr. Hitesh U. Shingadia, Dr. HarishchanderAnandaram Department:Marine Biology Patent Application Number:202241023365 A |
93. |
A Systematic Approach For Disposing The Construction Wastes In An
Efficient Way Without Harming The Environments Name of the Inventors: Veeranki Surya Teja, ShitalManoharraoPawar,MrunaliniAmolDeshmukh, Manish Kumar Sinha, Dinesh Kumar Vairavel, Bidhan Ghosh, Preeti Rajput, Kamal Shanker Patel, Dr Ajay Kumar Garg, Malathi V, Shashi Kumar V N, Dr.S.B.Riswan Ali Department:Marine Biology Patent Application Number: 202241022600 A |
94. |
Monitoring Soil Deformation & Temperature Using Flexible Wireless Sensors Name of the Inventors: Dr. J.Thomas Joseph Prakash, Dr.R.Raj Mohan, Dr. A Saravanan, Dr.J.SenthilMurugan, Mr. Kannadasan B, Dr. AN.Sigappi, Dr. Syed Azahad, Mr. S.Premkumar Department:Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241024156 A |
95. |
Automatic Safe Healthcare Management System For Helping Patients To Eat
Better During And Beyond Cancer Treatment Using Machine Learnings Name of the Inventors: Dr. S. Meenakshi, Gayatri Vaidya, S G NagarajuValluri, DrHarishchanderAnandaram, Dr.K P Sanal Kumar, Dr.SAnu H Nair, Dr.SKamalakkannan, Dr. Kalaivani CT Department:Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241022832 A |
96. |
A Robust and Deep Convolutional Neural Network Approach To Detect Early Stages of Lungs Cancers Name of the Inventors: Dr.Chhavi Sharma, DrInamulHasanMadar, MugandaMunirManini, ShanidMalayil, GeetanjaliSahu, Gita Sahu, LalitaSandey,VaibhavSarjeraoGawade, Jaya DiptiLal, Mrs P Deepa, Dr.S.Deepajothi, GurumeetWadhawa Department:Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202211024611 A |
97. |
Iot Based Intelligent Fetal Health Monitoring Device For Pregnant Womens Name of the Inventors:Dr.S.Balamurugan, Dr.S.BeulaPrincy, ThounaojamRupachandra Singh, TejmaniSinam, Dr.R.Sivashankari, Dr.JasmineSamraj, Dr.R.Hariharan, Dr.M.Sudha, Dr.K.P.ShanmugaPriya, KhaidemBikramjit Meitei, S.Vishalni, Showkat Ahmad Dar Department:Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241022924 A |
98. |
Multi Speed Drone for Remote Field Monitoring Systems Name of the Inventors:Dr. J.Thomas Joseph Prakash, Mrs.S.Saranya, AmarendraAlluri, Dr. Ashok Kumar Koshariya, MrKannadasan B, Dr. AN.Sigappi, Dr. Syed Azahad, Mr. S.Premkumar Department:Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number:202241025480 A |
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FAST SUBTRACTOR ALGORITHM AND IMPLEMENTATIONs Name of the Inventors:DrGunamani Jena, Dr Chandra MouliVsa, Dr T V Janardhana Rao, MrShubhashish Jena, Ms. Subhashree Jena, Mrs P Deepa, DrDevabalanPounraj Department:Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number:202241024876 A |
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Iot Based Power Theft Detection Systems Name of the Inventors:Dr.JonaInnisai Rani P, Srinivasan M L, Sreevani Y V, Sreekrishna M, Devi D, Mathumitha R, Amshavalli R S Department:Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number:202241029068 A |
101. | Ml Based On Detection And Recognition Of Facial Emotion Using Cnns Name of the Inventors:Dr. K. Sankar, Dr. S. P. Ponnusamy, Dr .N. Manoharan, Dr.N. Ravi, K.Azhahudurai Department:Computer and Information Science Patent Application Number:202241026572 A |
102. |
Automated Telugu Printed and Handwritten Character Recognition technologys Name of the Inventors:Vijaya Krishna Sonthi, Dr. S.Nagarajan, Dr,Krishnaraj N Department:Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number:202241026508 A |
103. |
Ids-Iot Performance Efficiency in Anomaly Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques Name of The Inventors:Dr. S. Roselin Mary, DrCharushilaAxay Patel, Dr. ViswanathanRamasamy, Dr. D. Natarajasivan, Dr. S. Sudhakar, Niketan Kumar Mishra, Dr. R. Manikandan, Dr.R.Thiagarajan Department:Computer Science and Engineering, Patent Application Number: 202241032203 A |
104. |
A Method of Preparation of Biofuel Name of the Inventors: AddankiNarasimhaPhaniDeepthi, J. Prabakaran, A.P. Sathiyagnanam Department: Mechanical Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241032373 A |
105. | A Method of Retrieving Satellite Image Name of the Inventors: Dr. K. Seetharaman Department: Computer & Information Science Patent Application Number: 202241031679 A |
106. |
ML and IoT based smart helmet system to detect and prevent early accidents in heavy traffic places in metropolitan cities Name of the Inventors:Dr J Prasanth Kumar, Dr. SweetyBakyarani. E, Dr.S.Kanchana,V. Senthil Kumar, Dr.K.Kasturi, Dr.SAnu H Nair, Dr.K P SanalKumar,Dr.S.Kamalakkannan Department: Computer Science andEngineering Patent Application Number: 202241032002 A |
107. |
Lipid Nano-Carrier Based Transdermal Gel for The Treatment Of Pain
Management Name of the Inventors: Ms. SangeethaGovindarajan, Dr. SwamivelmanickamMahalingam, Mr. Thirumalvalavan Subramanian Department: pharmacy Patent Application Number: 202241032969 A |
108. | New Iot-Enabled Technology for Online Education System Name of the Inventors:Dr. S. Raviraja, Dr. Geetha. K, Mr. D. Saravanan, Dr. Ranjitsinh K. Nimbalkar,Dr. D. Stalin David, Dr. V. Tamizhazhagan, Dr.G.Arunkumar, Ms. SomanjoliMohapatra, Dr. Vivek Solanki, Dr. Jyoti Solanki Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202241027025 A |
109. |
IoT Driven Design System of Behavior of Autonomous Vehicle State Estimation on Predicted Behavior of other Vehicles using Machine Learning Name of the Inventors: Dr. L. Ramesh, Mr.K.Karthikeyan, Mr.SaravanaPrabhuSubramaniam, Ms.Kalaipriya P, Dr. S. Anu H Nair, Dr. K. P. Sanal Kumar, Dr.Jebakumar Immanuel D Department: Computer Science andEngineering Patent Application Number: 202241034654 A |
110. |
Secure Image Retrieval and Classification Framework ForIot Based Healthcare Systems Using Deep Neural Networks Name of the Inventors: Dr.S.Balamurugan, Dr.AnanthiSheshasaayee, Dr.J.Vandarkuzhali, Dr.M.Savitha Devi, Dr.S.AngelinSophy, Dr.Sivakumar R, Anusuya. S, Karthica. M, Silambarasan S, Showkat Ahmad Dar, Dr.P.Thiruvannamalaisivasankar, Dr.V.B.Kirubanand Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241035066 A |
111. |
Nanotechnology Based Water Purification System with Automated AssemblyWAPURE Name of the Inventors: Daniel Lawrence I, M.S.Karthik, M.Mathanbabu, D.Thirumalaikumarasamy, M.Ashokkumar, M.Anbarasu, A.Kajavali, S. Deepak, B.Pitchia Krishnan, V.Manimekalai, A.Arunkumar, R.Barathiraja Department: Manufacturing Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241035488 A |
112. |
Bio-Technical Interventions for Precision Agricultural Aspects Along With
Crop Monitoring Analysis Name of the Inventors: DrSurendra Kumar Yadav, DrPoonamVerma, Prajval V, Dr. Sahil Mehta, Dr. Pankaj Ramesh Gavit, S.Anbarasan, Dr. Pankaj Kumar Sahu, G.PadmaPriya, Pradip Kumar Saini, DrHarishchanderAnandaram, Dr. A. Elavarasan, Dr.G.Subbulakshmi Department: Agronomy Patent Application Number: 202211035299 A |
113. |
Model To Enhance Security And To Improve The Fault Tolerance Name of the Inventors: Ms.SoniaChhabra, Dr. Shakil Shaikh, Dr. L. Javid Ali, Dr. John Kalloor, Dr. Suresh BabuPerli, Dr. VikasTripathi, Dr. HemantBaradkar Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Patent Application Number: 202211035927 A |
114. |
Ddos Attack Malicious Code Mitigation Vulnerability Using Federated
Learning in Iot-Real Time Applications Name of the Inventors: Dr. ViswanathanRamasamy, Dr. U. Hariharan, Dr. S. Pazhanirajan, Dr. B. Narayanan, Merry K. P, Dr. K. Palaniyappan, Dr. S. Ramesh, N. N. Praboo, Dr. K. Muthukumar Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241035709 A |
115. |
Zero Energy Smart Building using Renewable Energy Sources Name of the Inventors: Dr. M. Thambidurai, Dr. M. Arulselvi Dr. P. Sivarajan, Dr. N. Nagarajan, Dr. K. Karthikeyan, Dr. S. Sivaprakasam Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241037006 A |
116. |
Customer’s earnings, savings, and financial history-classification using
machine learning technology Name of the Inventors: Ms. R. Subhashini, Dr. B. Bhavya, Ms. Meenakshi Gupta, Mr. D. Saravanan, Dr. G. Arunkumar, Dr. EyoItamEyo, Dr. Rashmi B H, Dr. R. Rameshkumar, Dr. D. Stalin David, Dr. Shashi Kant Gupta Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202241041430 A |
117. |
The problem and challenges faced in sales team and marketing perspective in banking sector Name of the Inventors:Ms.LillySandhya.T, Dr .S. Tamilarasi, Dr. Jyotsna Sharma, Dr. JyotsnaPahuja, Dr.P.Sumathi, Dr. S. BulomineRegi, MrPavankumarBilla, Mr.JLogeshwaran, Dr. DipakSopanUmbarkar, Dr. M. Abbas Malik, Dr. Rohit Kumar Vishwakarma, Dr. BrijeshAwasthi Department: Commerce Patent Application Number: 202241043116 A |
118. |
Metal complexes of schiff base derived from 3, 4- (methylenedioxy) aniline
and 5-chloro salicylaldehyde: synthesis, characterization, antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant studies Name of the Inventors: Dr.S.Gnanasekaran, Dr.M.L.Sundararajan, Dr.T.Jeyakumar, Dr.M.Thambidurai, Dr.R.Velappan Department: Mechanical Engineering Patent Application Number: 202244042615 A |
119. |
Smart autonomous drone for monitoring of an modern agricultural field Name of the Inventors: Dr. P. Rajasekar, Dr. Alok Singh, Dr. N. Nagarajan, Dr. K. Karthikeyan, Dr. Pushyamitra Mishra, Dr. Amar B. Deshmukh Department: Civil Engineering Patent Application Number: 202241045048 A |
120. |
Big data based finance analysis management system Name of the Inventors: Dr. Mamta Sharma, Ms. S. Subashree, Dr. Kishore B., Mr. D. Saravanan, Mr. Manoj G, Dr. SatishMuppidi, Dr. SuneethaMerugula, Ms. VijetaSalaria, Mr. AnzarHussain Shah, Mr. CH. BalaSubramanyam Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202211044101 A |
121. |
An integrated IOT augmented reality-based framework for health monitoring system Name of the Inventors: Santosh Das, Sathisha BM, Dr. GyanshankarPraphullakumar Mishra, Manu Y M, Dr. Awakash Mishra, Dr. Kingsleen Solomon Doss, Adiseshaiah Sade, S. Premkumar Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202231044023 A |
122. |
Detection and mitigation of OS level malware in mobile using malware Detection system Name of the Inventors: Dr. VelliangiriSarveshwaran, Dr. J. Sasikala, Dr. IwinThanakumar Joseph S, Dr.GBindu Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202241041442 A |
123. |
IoT based patient monitoring System for stroke affected people using deep learning approach Name of the Inventors: Dr. VelliangiriSarveshwaran, Dr. J. Sasikala, Dr.GBindu, Dr. IwinThanakumar Joseph S Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202241041444 A |
124. |
A process of preparation of azithromycin solution with enhanced bioavailability Name of the Inventors: Sasmita Dash, SobikaMathiyazhagan, Prakash Karunanithi, B. Sheelarani Department: Chemistry Patent Application Number: 202241050536 A |
125. |
Automatic behavior prediction for rule-based data processing using machine learning Name of the Inventors: Dr. V. Tamizhazhagan, Mrs. Divya R, Prof. M. V. Rama Prasad, Dr. V. Anandkumar, Dr.SunilHanmantKhilari, Mrs.PodduturiSwapna, Mr. Mahesh Lonare, Mr. D. Saravanan, Mr. Kuldeep Anil Hule, Dr.Samarth Singh Department: Chemistry Patent Application Number: 202241049441 |
126. |
A Single Feed Broadband Substrate Integrated Wave Guide Back Cavity Rectangle Slot Antenna Name of Inventors: BollavathiLokeshwar, AlapatiSudhakar, DoraiVenkatasekhar Department: Information Technology. Patent Application Number: 202141003871 A |
127. |
A Kind of Low Profile Siw Cavity-Backed L-Shaped Slot Antenna Name of Inventors: Mr.BollavathiLokeshwar, Dr. DoraiVenkatasekhar, Dr. JammalamaduguRavindranath, Mr. Katta Anil Kumar, Mrs. NagavalliVegesna, Dr. Y.V.N.R.SwamyBanothu, Mrs. Kalidindi Lakshmi Divya, Mrs. D.V.N. Bharathi, Mrs. SamanthapudiSwathi and Dr.DevabhaktuniMadhavi Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202241014976 |
128. |
Design Smart System of Night Vision Patrolling Robot using Cloud-based- IoT with AI Name of the Inventors: Dr.I.Sudha, Mr.V.Naveen, Dr.N.Partheeban,Dr.S.Padmapriya, Dr.K.Krishnakumari, Mrs.K.Aruna, DrM.Ramalingam, Mr.R Shankar Ram, Mrs.T.Nagalakshmi, Mrs. A. Sarkunavathi Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202241054320 A |
129. |
The Intuition of the analyst is based on Markov constructs a model on top of high-speed, Temporal Big Data for Cyber Security Name of the Inventors: T Gokaramaiah, Mr. Jahan Malik, Dr. K.Arutchelvan, Dr. D KhalandarBasha, R.Ramachandran, Dr. AvijitBhowmick, J Sinjini, Mr.T R Arunkumar, Dr.K.P.Uma, Mallikarjuna Reddy Beram, Dr. K.Sivaperumal, Dr. HarikumarPallathadka Department: Computer and Information Science Patent Application Number: 202241055440 A |
130. |
Development of Electronic Employee Selection Process and Method Management System Name of the Inventors: Mrs. R. Meenambigai , Dr. SushilBeliya, Mr. D. Saravanan, Dr. ShivlalMewada, Mr. Navnit Kumar Shukla, Ms. Ayushi Gaur, Dr. Jasmeet Kaur Ghuman, Dr. R. Rameshkumar, Mr. Krishna Kishore Datti, Dr. G. Arunkumar Department:Information Technology Patent Application Number:202241055441 A |
131. |
Implementation of an Enhanced Adv-Idps Approach to Leverage Oit Networks in Household Deployment Name of the Inventors:Dr. R. Jayaraj, J. Hymavathi, A. Sarkunavathi, Dr. SheshangDegadwala, SadafGauhar Mohammad Mushtaque, Dr Chandra Kumar Dixit, Dr. R. Thiagarajan, Dr. R. Ramkumar Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202241059955 A |
132. |
Intrusion Detection Recognition using Deep Learning for User Devices with
Cyber-Secure Mechanism. Name of the Inventors: Dr. A. Anbarasi,DrMeenakshi Sharma, A. Sarkunavathi, Dr. SheshangDegadwala, FirdousSadaf Mohammad Ismail, Dr Chandra Kumar Dixit, Dr. R. Thiagarajan, Dr. R. Ramkumar Department: Information Technology Patent Application Number: 202241059959 A |
133. |
Effectiveness of business model for startup company Name of the Inventors:Dr. Lavanya L, Dr. I. Shanmugapriya, Dr. H. HariHarasudha, Dr. R. Monisha, Dr. G. Arunkumar, Dr. R. Rameshkumar, Mr. D. Saravanan, Dr.Kalpana P, Mr. Krishna Kishore Datti Department:Information Technology Patent Application Number:202241065148 A |
134. | Real time financial fraud detection using machine learning Name of the Inventors:Dr. ParinSomani, Dr. Shashi Kant Gupta, Dr. BabasahebJadhav, Prof. DhanashriHavale, Mr. Dharmendra Kumar, Dr. Tien Anh Tran, Prof. Chandra Kumar Dixit, Dr. Wen-Cheng Lai, Mr. Neeraj Kumar, Mr. Kapil Kumar Gupta, Mr. Prabhdeep Singh, Mr. D. Saravanan Department:Information Technology Patent Application Number:202211063530 A |
135. | A wearable pregnancy monitoring apparatus to collect physiological parameters Name of the Inventors:Dr. G VimalaKumari, Ms. LenkaSwathi, Prof. Jagdeesh Kumar Ega, Dr. A. Punitha, K.Subhashini, Ms. KarraMaheswari, Dr. J. ThamilSelvi, Dr.S.Sugumaran, Mrs. YojanaYadav, Dr. Robin George, Dr. Shankar B B Department:Electronics and CommunicationEngineering Patent Application Number:202241064840 A |
136. | Effective worker performance assessment system in industry Name of the Inventors:Dr. R. Tamilmaran, Dr. Sowmiya. M, Dr. N. Ananthi, Dr. R. Monisha, Dr. G. Nirmala, Mr. D. Saravanan, Dr. ShivlalMewada, Dr. D. Stalin David, Dr. R. Rameshkumar Department:Information Technology Patent Application Number:202241060142 A |
137. | Implementation of feature selection-based algorithms for accurate prediction of crop yield and paving way for precision in agriculture Name of the Inventors:Divya J, Dr. Amar Kumar Dey, Dr. Naveen Kumar Dewangan, Dr ARArunarani, R.Jayasankar, R. Deepa, Dr. Jaidev Kumar, Shyamkant S Munje, AnandNagsenWarghat, Dr.A.Sasi Kumar, Bhagwandas Patel, Dr M Anusuya Department:Agronomy Patent Application Number:202241068370 A |
138. | A process of preparation of tinidazole drug solution with enhanced bioavailability Name of the Inventors:Sasmita Dash, Paulraj .E, Bharathi .B, Sutharsan .K Department: Chemistry Patent Application Number: 202241069519 A |
139. | Lignite humic acid for enhanced hatchery shrimp seed production Name of the Inventors:Dr. V. Manoharan, Dr. S.T. Somasundaram, Dr. P. Anantharaman, S. Nancy Catherine, R. Shanmugasundaram Department: Marine biology Patent Application Number: 202141032053 A |
140. |
Development of the intelligent system and method for working capital financial management plan for e-commerce sites using machine learning approach Name of the Inventors:Dr Ahmad Tasnim Siddiqui, Dr. R. Ramachandran, Ananya Banerjee, Debasmita Manna, Prof. DrSaradindu Panda, Dr. Abhijit Das, Dr. Puran Singh, RinkuSupakar, AnirbitSengupta, Dr. Raja Mannar Department: Commerce Patent Application Number:202211070120 A |
141. |
A control system for IC engine fuel injection assembly and working method thereof Name of the Inventors:Dr.SurakasiRaviteja, Dr.M.Saravanan, Mr.S.Arulselvan, Mr.N.Radhakrishnan, Dr.J.Kamalakannan, Dr. Raghuram Pradhan, Mr. M. C. AnandChakaravarthi Department:MechanicalEngineering Patent Application Number:202241066594 A |
142. | Agriculture crop insurance policy using block chain technology Name of the Inventors:Dr. Guru, Mrs. A. Inbavalli, Dr. V Elizabeth Jesi, Dr. V. Tamizhazhagan, Dr. G. Arunkumar, Dr. R. Rameshkumar, Mr. D. Saravanan, Dr. C. Jehan, Dr. R. Monisha Department:Information Technology Patent Application Number:202241075331 A |
143. | Analysis of HR challenge faced in IT industry Name of the Inventors:Dr. Davendra Kumar Sharma, Dr. V. Kannan, Mr. J Logeshwaran, Dr. R. Durga Prasad, Dr. M. Kavaskar, Dr. Vimla, Ms. Akshita Pandey, Dr. Shalini Kumar, Dr. Manoj AS Department:Agriculture Patent Application Number:202311005245 A |
144. | IOT based automatic wearable sensors for smart healthcare monitoring system using WSN, artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms Name of the Inventors:Dr. Lone VaishaliBaswantrao, S. Balasubramanian, Dr. L.R. AravindBabu, Dr. Pushpendra Kumar Verma, Dr. R. Arunadevi, Rupalsengar, KapilDnyaneshwarDere, Prof. Mohammad Ziaullah, Lovenish Sharma, Mr. Saharsh Gera, Ajith Kumar D Department:Computer and Information Science Patent Application Number:202321004190 A |
145. | An efficient machine learning technique for brain tumor identification Name of the Inventors:Dr. Kranthi Kumar G, AjanthaaLakkshmanan, PriyankaNallusamy, Elgin Christo V R, Sudhaakar K, Ashok Bekkanti Department:Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number:202341003052 A |
146. | Synthesis of charge transfer hybrid nanoTiO2 – Phenanthroimidazole material Name of the Inventors:JayabharathiJayaraman, ThanikachalamVenugopal, KarthikeyanBalakrishnan, SivagurunathanParamasivam Department: Chemistry, Microbiology Patent Application Number:202341003191 A |
147. | Ethanol-free oral liquid compositions Name of the Inventors:Mr. JailaniShiekmydeen,Mr. C. K. Dhanapal Department:Pharmacy Patent Application Number: 202341006435 A |
148. | Artificial Intelligence and IoT based Automatic smart Health care system to prevent and predict the chances of getting chronic gastrointestinal disorders and chronic cancer using Image processing and Deep Learning Algorithms Name of the Inventors:Dr. G. Ramasubba Reddy, Dr. M. Pradhap, AbhinavVidwans, Dr. Jaspreet Kaur, Dr. Kanika, Dr. Santosh Kumar Agrawal, Mr. Deen Mohammad, Kalpana R A, Dr. D. NethraPingalaSuthishni, Arvind Sharma Department:Zoology Patent Application Number:202341007098 A |
149. | A Machine Learning Based Solar Photovoltaic Panel Cleaning with Heat reduction system Name of the Inventors:Dr.C.Sailaja, Dr. RajasekaranShanmugam, Dr. KunduruSrinivasulu Reddy, Dr. M.Saravanan, Dr. S. Meenakshi, Dr. V.G.Umale, Dr. B. VijayaRamnath Department:Mechanical Engineering Patent Application Number:202341007203 A |
150. | Early stress detection and monitoring system using the machine learning approaches integrated with internet of things Name of the Inventors:DrKotinaShridevi, Dr. R. Rajkumar, Mr. M. Om Prakash, Dr. J. Lydia, Dr.SahabulAlam, PrashantRamdasKokiwar, Dr. BramahHazela, Dr D J Samatha Naidu, Dr. L. Jubair Ahmed, Dr Vijay Kumar Salvia, Mohd Asif Shah, Prof. PrashantAdsule Department:Commerce Patent Application Number: 202341007257 A |
151. | Prevention mechanism on cyber-attack in e-banking sector Name of the Inventors:Dr.V.Dheenadhayalan, A.Yogalakshmi, Harikesavan. D Department:Commerce Patent Application Number: 202341007331 A |
152. | Analysis of the mechanical properties of concrete produced with red ceramic construction and demolition waste Name of the Inventors:Dr. P.Maria Antony SebastinVimalan, Mrs. L.LizzyArputhaDorathy, Mrs. S.Sathiya, Ms. Aruna C, Mr.M.Sadhasivam, Jyothilekshmi R, Dr. A. N. Swaminathen, Mrs. Geena.M.G, Dr. S.Gopikumar, Mrs. S.Mispa Brown Department:Civil Engineering Patent Application Number: 202341008025 A |
153. | Systematic approaches to identify the impact of artificial intelligence (ai) in the growth of agriculture & food sector Name of the Inventors:M Thiyagarajan, R Ponnusamy, Dr.D.Ruby, DrMalini S, N.Selvam, Dr.S.Kannadhasan, Dr.J.SenthilMurugan, Dr. W T Chembian Department:Computer andInformation Science Patent Application Number: 202341008978 A |
154. | Fiber Reinforced Composites (FRC) for Electric Vehicles Name of the Inventors:Dr.M.Saravanan, Mr.S.ArulSelvan, Dr. K. Ramachandran, Mr.S.Karthikeyan, Y.Sravani, M.Subramanian, Mr.V.Velmurugan Department:MechanicalEngineering Patent Application Number: 202341009150 A |
155. | Design and development of robotic device with assistive and resistive training for post-stroke hand rehabilitation patients Name of the Inventors:Dr. S. Suganthi,Dr. G. Chelladurai, Dr. J Nelson Samuel Jebastin, Mrs. S. Indira Department:Zoology Patent application number:202341029598 A |
156. | Artificial intelligence-based approach to predict the role of silver nanoparticles as carriers of anticancer drugs for efficient target of cancer cells Name of the Inventors:Ms. Dolly Jain, Dr.Manasi VyankateshGhamande, Sudha S, Dr. Neha Sharma, Dr P Kandan, Sompalli Surya Narayana, Amol Dilip Gholap, Dr. Praveen Kumar Dasari, Dr. Manoj Kumar Banjare, Mr. Shankar Cheruku, Meghanath B. Shete, Satyabrata Jena Department: Mathematics Patent application number:202321007070 A |
157. | Pavement quality geopolymer concrete mix and method ofproducing the same Name of the Inventors:Satyakam, Rajiv, Pranay, Soni, Narendra Kumar, Prakash, Satya, Jeyasehar, C. Antony, Thirugnanasambandam, S. Department:Civil and structural engineering Patent application number:202111050131 A |
158. | Dry lean geopolymer concrete mix and method of production Name of the Inventors: Satyakam, Rajiv, Pranay, Soni, Narendra Kumar, Prakash, Satya, Jeyasehar, C. Antony, Thirugnanasambandam, S Department:Civil and structural engineering Patent application number:202111050132 A |
159. | A method of electroless plating using an eco-friendly stabilizer Name of the Inventors:Dr. R. Varahamoorthi, Mr. M. Vijayanand, Dr. P. Marichamy, Mr. A. Umeshbala Department: Manufacturing Engineering Patent application number:202241034566 A |
160. | A skin protective formulation for protection from UV rays Name of the Inventors:Sasmita Dash, Vigneshwari R, Anjali S, Bharathi Balasubramaniyan Department: Chemistry Patent application number:202341038051 A |
161. | Integrated customer feedback system for enhancing satisfaction in two-wheeler sales and service Name of the Inventors:Dr. V. Dheenadhayalan,R. Shanmuga Priya, D. Harikesavan Department:Commerce Patent application number:202341040383 A |
162. | IoT Driven Artificial Intelligence-based Personalized wearable body temperature controlling device during exercise Name of the Inventors:Ms.C.Nageswari,Dr.N. Meena, Dr.S.A.Kathikeyan,Mr.V.Manivannan, Ms.A. Brammatha,Ms.M.Krishnaveni, Ms.A.Sharmila, Mr.Prasath Madhavan,Ms.R.Madhu Sumithra, Ms.T.Pavithra, Ms.JeyaThamaraiEzhil Department: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Patent application number: 202341039722 A |
163. | Horn Indicator and Ambulance, Police Indicator for Deaf. Name of the Inventors:Dr. S.Dhivya, Dr.P.Raja, Ms.R.Priya, M.Mohamed Riyaif, Mr.K.Jambulingam, Dr.B.Sudhakar Department:ECE Patent application number:202341011269 A |
164. | A method for extracting and purifying bioactive compounds from plant extract Name of the Inventors:Dr. J Nelson Samuel Jebastin Department: Zoology Patent application number:202341016621 A |
165. | Novel benzyloxy phenyl – substituted phenyl chalcone hybrids with strong anticancer activity Name of the Inventors:K.R. Jeyashri,H. Manikandan, G. Logeshwari,E. Enbaraj, V. Rajathi, K. Sivakumar Department: Chemistry Patent application number:202341038795 A |
166. | Deep learning technique for early diagnosis of coronary atherosclerotic heart disease Name of the Inventors:Dr.J.Nelson Samuel Jabastin, Mrs.D.Evangelin, Mr.J.Jelsteen, Dr. Ram Krishna Mishra, Dr. Sunil Eknath Shinde, Roopa R, Dr. HaribhauMachindra Pawar, Dr. Mukesh Kumar Meena, Thirumurugan R, Dr.A.Sasi Kumar, Dr. Vijay Kumar Salvia, Mohd Asif Shah Department: Zoology Patent application number:202341010940 A |
167. | Novel green route biomimetic synthesis of CaCO3 nanoparticles from natural CAMG(CO3)2 Name of the Inventors:Dr. V. Ramaswamy, Mr. E. Thenpandiyan, Miss. T. Sathishpriya Department: Physics Patent application number:202341011396 A |
168. | Design and testing of flat slab using coconut shell concrete Name of the Inventors:Dr. Dhanasekar.K, Dr. M.S.Sivakumar, Dr. P.Maria Antony SebastinVimalan, Mr. S. Yuvaraj, Mr. B.Senthil Naathan, Dr. M.Velumani, Dr. M.Latha, Mr. S.Selvakumar, Prof. Prasoon P P, R.Saleema Begum Department: Civil Engineering Patent application number:202341018322 A |
169. | Advanced mainframe-based hybrid organizational structure Name of the Inventors: Uchit Kapoor, Dr. Ravindra Pathak, Dr. SaurabhGoyal, Dr. Veena Christy, Dr. Vivek Tiwari, Dr. Rudresh Pandey, Dr. Pooja Tiwari, Dr. Parul Agarwal, Dr. V. AarthiAgnihothri, Dr. ShebinSharief, Dr. D. Elamparuthi, Dr. Ashok M. L., Dr. S. Saravanan, Dr. KavitaKhadse, Mrs. G. Thamaraiselvi Department: Business Administration Patent application number: 202311049749 A |
170. | Synthesis of n-doped carbon anchored CoFeelectrocatalyst for water oxidation Name of the Inventors: JayabharathiJayaraman, ThanikachalamVenugopal, SivagurunathanParamasivam, KarthikeyanBalakrishnan Department: Chemistry, Microbiology Patent application number: 202341050343 A |
171. | Authentication systems in resource-constrained iot applications: a novel length-flexible, lightweight, cancelable fingerprint template Name of the Inventors: Mr. Qureshi Imran M Hussain, Dr.BelsamJebaAnanth. M ,Dr. HarikumarPallathadka, Dr. H. Krishna Ram,Vijaya Lakshmi Khagga, Dr. Navya. H, Mr.Narendra K, Dr. KrishanDutt Department: Botany Patent application number: 202321047823 A |
172. | IOT and machine learning -based monitoring systems for weather, soil, earthquakes, and air pollution Name of the Inventors: Dr.Rahul Kumar Mishra, Mr. Baba Fakruddin Ali B H, Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Bhakuni, LakshmanachariSiddi, Dr. G. Sakthivel, Dr. Rajesh BhaskarSurvase, Dr. Anil Kumar Singh, Mr.G.Ravishankar, Dr. BelsamJebaAnanth. M, Mrs. Janani, Dr. HarikumarPallathadka Department: Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Patent application number: 202311053270 A |
173. | Performance of steel fiber reinforcement concrete on pavements involving nano silica and zeolite Name of the Inventors: Dr. A. Swetha, Dr. K. Suguna, Dr. P. N. Raghunath, Dr. K. K. Gaayathri, Dr. K. Mohammed Imthathullah Khan, Dr. J. Anita Jessie, Dr. D. Sreeniv Department: Civil and Structural Engineering Patent application number: 202341045934 A |
174. | Artificial intelligent and cloud based conversational robot for blind People assistance Name of the Inventors: D. Deepa, B.Priyalakshmi, S.Ramya, Dr. R. P. MeenaakshiSundhari, ChakravarthulaMalathi, Dr. Debashis Sarkar, MeenaAbarna.K.T, S.Gnanamurthy, Prof.(Dr.) PrabalPratap Singh, A. Arun Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent application number: 202341058256 A |
175. | An RFID-based and GSM –enabled library management system Name of the Inventors: Dr. M.SadikBatcha, Dr. S.Aravind, Dr. Prabhat Singh Rajput, Dr.R.Kavitha, Dr.S.S.Devika, Dr. N. Rajesh, Dr. V.Vanankamudi, Dr. B. Asadullah, Dr.M.Prabakaran, Mr. Soumendu Roy, Naveen Chaparwal Department: Department of Library and Information Science Patent application number: 202341057356 A |
176. | Artificial intelligence and machine learning based detection and prevention of malarial parasites in blood using CNN-deep learning algorithms for health care management systems Name of the Inventors: Dr. Gaurav Srivastava, Mr. S. Balasubramanian, Dr.Punit Kumar Singh, A.Arun, Lakshmi S, Sri Raman Kothuri, DrSeemaYadav, S.Gnanamurthy, K Raja Sekhar, Dr M Thillaikarasi Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent application number: 202311055314 A |
177. | Artificial intelligence-based employee training and development system and method Name of the Inventors: Dr. A. NarasimaVenkatesh, Dr.G.Kannan, Dr. D. Elamparuthi, Dr. Shikhakumari Pandey, Dr. NeerjaAnand, Dr. YaminiNegi, Dr. P HAMEEM KHAN, Dr.Shabnam Farook Sayyad Department: Business Administration Patent application number: 202341059763 A |
178. | Drug delivery device for neonatal care unit Name of the Inventors: T. Archana, N. Nachammai, S.Praveenkumar Department: Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering Patent application number: 202341058193 A |
179. | Agricultural field monitoring through smartphone using deep learning and IOT Name of the Inventors: Mr. J Vijay Gopal, Mr. D S. Vedha Viyas, Mr. D. Chandu, Mr. M. Sai Krishna Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent application number: 202341067750 A |
180. | Evaluation towards smart and software defined IOT Name of the Inventors: Dr. S. Sekar, Sudhakar Deivasigamani, Dr. D. Elamparuthi, S. M. Faisal, Dr. Prem Pal Singh Tomar Department: Business Administration Patent application number: 202341074581 A |
181. | Novel benzylidene-Isophorone hybrids with strong anticancer activity Name of the Inventors: G. Logeshwari, H. Manikandan, K.R.Jeyashri, E. Enbaraj, V. Rajathi, K. Sivakumar Department: Chemistry Patent application number: 202341075285 A |
182. | Artificial intelligence-based prediction system to predict stock market index price and crypto currency closing price using machine learning algorithms Name of the Inventors: Dr. Jnaneshwar Pai Maroor, Dr.S.Rajakumaran, KurpatwarBalaprasad Purushottam, MrJ.Chandra Babu, D Deepa, Abdulrub Bin Mohsin, Dr.Mani Goyal, Mrs.D.Nirmala, Vishwanatha J.S, MrB.Ramana Reddy Department: Computer Science Engineering Patent application number: 202341073042 A |
183. | A method of preparation of titanium coated graphite-carbon nanotube (cnt) acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) nano composite for dye-removal Name of the Inventors: Dr. G. Flora, Dr. T. Ramanathan, Dr. C. Shibana, Dr. Irudaya Antonat Sophia, Dr. Joys Selva Mary Albert, Dr. A. Lakshmi, Dr. P. Subavathy Department: CAS in Marine biology Patent application number: 202341072898 A |
184. | Process and synthesis of nanoliposomes and indirubbin combination for cardiovascular disease treatment Name of the Inventors: Tani Carmel Raj T G, L. Vennila Department: Biochemistry Patent application number: 202341073210 A |
185. | Machine learning-based power forecast model with multi-data fusion Name of the Inventors: Dr.K.Kavitha, Dr.M.Jeyakarthic, Dr. N. Subalakshmi Department: Computer and Information Science Patent application number: 202341076752 A |
186. | Security framework for wireless sensor networks Name of the Inventors: V Kiran Kumar, Dr.M.MohammedThaha, Ms. S. Preethi, J Bino, Sriraksha PJ, Padmapriya R, R.Shobana Lakshmi, Rajesh Devaraj, Murugavel. C, Dr.D. Suresh Department: Information technology Patent application number: 202341082645 A |
187. | Pure diesel as fuel on CI engine Name of the Inventors: Mrs. Bapanapalli Madhu Babu, Dr. A. Raja, Prof. B. Durga Prasad Department: Mechanical Engineering Patent application number: 202341084572 A |
188. | Improved compositions and manufacturing process of tofacitinib citrate gel loaded with nanoparticles Name of the Inventors: Kuchukuntla Mounika A, P. Venkatesan, A. Madhu Babu Department: Pharmacy Patent application number: 202341084225 A |
189. | Eri silkworm pupae-based fish feed Name of the Inventors: R. K. Gokulakrishnaa, T. Selvamuthukumaran Department: Entomology Patent application number: 202341086345 A |
190. | A process of preparation of nanoporous phyto-membrane from seaweeds for water ultrafiltration and product thereof Name of the Inventors: Dr Arumugam Muthuvel, Sangeswari Thirukumar, Kanchana Shanthakumar, Parthasarathy Varadarajan, Ajithkumar Thankappanpillai Department: CAS in Marine biology Patent application number: 202341088442 A |
191. | Solar water heater with nanocoated absorber plate for increased energy absorption Name of the Inventors: Dr. CH V K N S N Moorthy, Dr. N. Alagappan, Mr. MarkndeyuluVuggirala Department: Mechanical Engineering Patent application number: 202441014493 A |
192. | A fixture with expandable mandrel for friction stir welding of various diameter pipes Name of the Inventors: Dr. S. Ragunathan, Dr.S.M. Senthil, Dr. V. Balasubramanian, B. Venketesh Department: Manufacturing Engineering Patent application number:202441008559 A |
193. | Multiple linear regression-based rainfall prediction Name of the Inventors: S. Antony Dhas, Bandu Uppalaiah, P S Harsha, Dr. Ramakrishna, J. Raj Karkee, Dr. M. Jeyakarthic, Dr. K. Kavitha, Rajaram Department: Computer and Information Science Patent application number: 202441009544 A |
194. | Employing wire mesh as reinforcement to join ai 5052 and az31b by explosive welding : A novel appro Name of the Inventors: Prabhat Kumar, Subrata Kumar Ghosh, John Deb Barma, Rajkumar Bhogendro Meitei, Samuel Debbarma, Badavath Hemika Jadav, Saravanan Somasundaram Department: Mechanical Engineering Patent application number: 202341075572 A |
195. | An intelligent system for fire risk prediction using deep learning algorithms Name of the Inventors: Parasa Rajya Lakshmi, S. Shunmuga Priya, Pallavi Sachin Patil, G. I. Ananthi, Dr. B.Gnana Priya, M Vishnuvardhan Reddy, J Raja, Dodle. Saikiran, Dr. G. Jawaherlalnehru Patent application number: 202441016141 A |
196. | Natural fiber composites with improved impact resistance and method thereof Name of the Inventors: Dr.S.Rajakumar, Mr. Jeswin Arputhabalan, Mr.Siva.M, Dr. M. Elangovan, Mr.J.Dinesh Kumar, Dr.V.Jaiganesh, Dr. R. Premanand Department: Manufacturing Engineering Patent application number: 202441018914 A |
197. | Personal safety and tracking device with alarm for blind person Name of the Inventors: Mrs. D. Vanusha, Dr. B. Amutha, Mrs. D. Vathana, Mrs. M. Vaidhehi, Dr. Helen K Joy, Ms. Delsi Robinsha S, Dr. R. Saminathan, Prithviraj R Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent application number: 202441021122 A |
198. | Cluster electric vehicle charging behaviour optimization method based on deep reinforcement learning Name of the Inventors: Dr. R. Thamizhselvan, D J.Anandakumaran Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Patent application number: 202441017993 A |
199. | A TIME-FREQUENCY BASED SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY DETECTION FOR ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING Name of the Inventors: J. Salai Thillai Thilagam, Mandava SeshmaChowdary ,Dr.B.GnanaPriya, Arockia Raj A, Dr.Chilakalapudi Meher Babu, Dr. K. Prabha, Dr. Madhumangal Pal, Veena Pentyala, S. Bavankumar. Department: Faculty of Engineering and Technology Patent Application Number: 202441050595 A |
200. | A COMPREHENSIVE MODEL FOR EARLY DETECTION AND REAL-TIME MONITORING OF PARKINSON'S DISEASE USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES Name of the Inventors: Bandi. Prameela Rani, Dr. B. Gana Priya, Dr. R. Abinaya Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202441051003 A |
201. | IOT-BASED REAL-TIME LOCATION SHARING AND ACTIVITY TRACKING SYSTEM FOR SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS Name of the Inventors:SomeswariPerla, Dr. Jagriti Basera, B.Ashwin, Prof. Nilam Thakkar, M. Poornima, Mrs. Sanghamitra Layek, Dr. Jnaneshwar Pai Maroor, Subasri N, Nirmala D, Suguna.M Department: Business Administration Patent Application Number: 202441046600 A |
202. | INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO LASER CLADDING OF AZ61 MAGNESIUM ALLOY WITH INCONEL 625 POWDER THROUGH GREY RELATION ANALYSIS Name of the Inventors: Mr. G. B. Sathishkumar, Dr. B. Asaithambi, Dr. V. Srinivasan, Dr. S. Ramanathan, Dr. B. Karthikeyan, Dr. T. Balamurugan, Dr. S. Sundaraselvan, Mr. C. Kaviarasu, Mr. R. G. Padmanaban, Mr. A. Joseph Arockiam Department: Manufacturing Engineering Patent Application Number: 202441047537 A |
203. | SYNTHESIS OF MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES FOR ENHANCED CAPTURING OF CIRCULATING TUMOR CELLS Name of the Inventors:Priya Yadav, Nagarajan Rajendra Prasad Department:Biochemistry and Biotechnology Patent Application Number:202441055934A |
204. | DESIGN OF SINGLE AXIS SERVO MECHANISM FOR CONVEYOR CONTROL Name of the Inventors: Dr. R. S. Kumar, Dr.V.Parimala, Dr. Hariharan N, Dr. S. Vijayabaskar, Dr. M. Deepak, Mr. J. Manokaran, Dr. J. Vijaya, Dr. W. Rajan Babu Dr. C. Mohan Raj Department:Earth Science Patent Application Number:202441053583A |
205. | IMAGE PROCESSING AND MACHINE LEARNING METHODS FOR KIDNEY STONE DETECTION IN CT SCANS Name of the Inventors: Dr. Swetha G,Nallabariki Praveen Kumar, Dr. Umesh Kumar Lilhore, Dr. Sarita Simaiya, Dr. P. Rajesh, Mr. Kachi Anvesh, Dr K Parasuraman, Santhosh S, Dr. Nismon Rio R Department:Computer and Information Science Patent Application Number:202441060725A |
206. | SENSOR-ENHANCED HYDROPONIC FARMING SYSTEM WITH IOT FOR DATA-DRIVEN AGRICULTURE Name of the Inventors: Dr.K.Gajalakshmi, Dr Bhuvana Jayabalan, Dr.S.Saravanan, Dr. S. Thaiyalnayaki, Mrs.DivyaVetriveeran, Ms.J.Jenefa, Dr Rakothkandan Department:Mechanical Engineering Patent Application Number:202441063255A |
207. | E-HRM STRATEGIES DRIVEN BY AI: OPTIMIZING ORGANIZATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE Name of the Inventors: Mr. Mohan Reddy Sareddy, Dr. R. Ramachandran, Dr. K.Arun Vidya, Amol Eknath Halde, Dr.Shyam Sunder Agrawal, Dr.BharthVajan R, Dr.Chikati Srinu, Dr.Karthick R, T.Kanimozhi, Dr.Dipa Banerjee Department:Commerce Patent Application Number:202441066771A |
208. | PREPARATION OF EMULSION FORMULATION WITH ANDROGRAPHOLIDAE AND BITTERGOURD SEED OIL FOR AGRICULTURAL PEST MANAGEMENT Name of the Inventors:R. Ramakrishnan and T. Selvamuthukumaran Department:Entomology Patent Application Number:202441069269A |
209. | SMART SYSTEM FOR CLASSIFYING DRUGS INTO MULTIPLE CATEGORIES WITH THE USE OF MACHINE LEARNING MODELS Name of the Inventors: Ramakrishnan Varadharajan, Dr. P. Anbalagan, Dr. Jaydev Mishra,Dr. N. Rajasekhar,M.Rithvik,Kalidindi Sravani,J. Suresh Kumar, P. Devasudha, Dr. R. Santhoshkumar Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent Application Number: 202441071956A |
210. | EXPLOSIVE WELDING TECHNIQUE ENHANCED BY NEURAL NETWORK OPTIMIZATION FOR DISSIMILAR METAL BONDING Name of the Inventors: Dr. S. Saravanan, Dr. K. Raghukandan, Dr.K. Gajalakshmi. Department: Mechanical Engineering Patent Application Number: 202441075015A |
211. | REMOTE PATIENT MONITORING SYSTEM USING IOT TECHNOLOGY FOR MENTAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT IN BIOMEDICAL APP Name of the Inventors: Kishore Verma S, Martin Sahayaraj, Adeline JohnsanaJ S, Jaya Paratha, Ravindra Changala Department: Computer Science Engineering Patent Application Number: 202441078811A |
212. | INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR GRAPHING AND DECIPHERING CLUSTERING OUTCOMES IN IOT WEATHER DATA Name of the Inventors: Dodle Saikiran, Dr. P. Kanchanamala, P. Akhil, Dr. K. Prasanna Lakshmi, Gopinathan S, G.Vidhya, KandhibandaKalpana,Podila Vanaja, Dr. R. Santhoshkumar. Department:Computer Science Engineering Patent Application Number: 202441080853A |
213. | PROCESS OF PREPARING ERI COCOON SILK PROTEIN WOUND DRESSING INCORPORATED WITH GREEN SYNTHESIZED SILVER NANOPARTICLES Name of the Inventors: Sneka A ,T. Selvamuthukumaran Department: Entomology Patent Application Number: 202441084909A |
214. | SUSTAINABLE STRUCTURAL SOLUTIONS: PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION OF GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE BEAMS REINFORCED WITH GLASS FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER Name of the Inventors: Er.A.Sai Kumar, Dr.G.Kumaran, Dr.R.Sivagamasundari Department: Civil and Structural Engineering. Patent application number: 202441093127A |
215. | EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT AND EDUCATIONAL LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR LIVER AND TUMOR SEGMENTATION FROM CT IMAGES USING A HYBRID RESUNET MODEL AND NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING Name of the Inventors: Dr. Jagendra singh , Dr. Surendra Kumar Meena , Dr. C. Anbuananth Dr. Aravind Jadhav , Dr. Rita Bansal , Dr. Priyanka Singh , Dr. Rishi Dev , Dr. Kiran Kumari , Ashish Kumar Mathur , Nilesh Kumar Sen , Dr Brajesh Kumar Singh Department : Computer Science and Engineering Patent application number : 202411091478A |
216. | REMOTE STETHOSCOPE VEST COAT SYSTEM Name of the Inventors : Mr. Vishnu Vardhan Battu , Dr Y Hepzibah , Dr. M. Kalaiselvi Geetha , Dr. Gudapati Syam Prasad , Dr. Gurindapalli.Rohi. Department : Computer Science and Engineering Patent application number : 202441035291A |
217. | METHOD OF SYNTHESIZING SPIRO-PYRROLIZIDINE-BENZYLOXY HYBRID WITH DOXORUBICIN TO ENHANCED ANTICANCER ACTIVITY Name of the Inventors : Uthirapathi Rajapandiyan , H. Manikandan , M.Raj Kumar , U. Kalaivanan , V. Rajathi , K. Sivakumar. Department : Chemistry Patent application number : 202441096248A |
218. | IOT-POWERED AUTONOMOUS PEST DETECTION AND CONTROL SYSTEM FOR SUSTAINABLE FARMING Name of the Inventors : Dr. Gunamani Jena , Dr. Sanjit Kumar Acharya , Dr. Satyajit Hotta , Dr. Subhashree Jena , Dr. Raghunath Kar , Dr. Sanat Kumar Patra , Dr. P Devabalan , Mrs. P Deepa Department: Computer Science and Engineering Patent application number: 202431097927A |
219. | AI-DRIVEN EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR PERSONALIZED LEARNING PATHS Name of the Inventors : Vaibhavi Chavan , Dr. P. Senthil , Sanjose A Thomas , Dr. Kiran Lata Dangwal , Meena Kumari R , Ms. Anandhi.S , Ashish diwakar , Dr Reecha singh , Dr. Toopalli Sirisha , Dr. S. Saravanan Department: Physical Education Patent application number: 202441100204A |
220. | EFFECT OF CHROMIUM NANOCOATING ON RIBBED SOLAR (PV/T) AIR HEATER Name of Inventors : T Somasekhar , Dr B Guru Prasad , Dr M V Kishore Department : Mechanical Engineering Patent application number: 202441102273A |